The system cooked its government … and this is the first draft of | Phalanges


The Presidency of the Republic announced that President Aoun received Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri tonight, and continued with him the study of the government’s file in an atmosphere of progress and deliberation.

The Presidency of the Republic announced that President Aoun received Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri tonight, and continued with him the study of the government’s file in an atmosphere of progress and deliberation.

While the information suggests that the formation will be based on 18 ministers, Al-Nahar sources pointed out that the expected government formation will consist of: 4 seats for the Sunnis, 4 for the Shiites, one for the Druze, 4 for the Maronites, 3 for the Orthodox, one for the Catholics and one for the Armenians.

In turn, the journalist Salem Zahran tweeted on his own account on “Twitter” and wrote:

“The way of the government is Salk and Hariri wishes the 18 government is not Arslan minister and the first draft of adjustable bags:

_ Interior and Defense (President of the Republic)

_ Works and Foreign Relations (Future)

_ Education (Hezbollah)

_ Finance (hope)

_ Health (socialist)

_ Communications (reply)

As for energy, the search is not over yet ”.

LBC sources indicated that Aoun-Hariri’s speech lasted 45 minutes, during which a breakthrough was observed in the distribution of bags amid extreme secrecy about their details.

The OTV revealed that Prime Minister Saad Hariri visited Baabda this morning and met with President Aoun, away from the media.

According to information from MTV, the defense portfolio can stay with the President of the Republic, and Hariri refuses to let the “energy” go to a figure that revolves around the parliamentarian Gebran Bassil and wants it to be a figure agreed between he and the President of the Republic.

The information indicated that Hezbollah does not cling to the health portfolio, and it seems that it will enter the roundabout through the door of this bag and exchange it for a bag of weights, and it seems that the party’s gaze is on the portfolio of works and the Marada movement is willing to give up the works in exchange for a balanced bag.

Al-Marada sources said: “We are waiting for the form of government to be based on the matter.”

The information indicated that it could reduce the size of the government to less than 20 ministers, a fact that may last in the next few hours today.

Regarding attitudes, the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, revealed that the next government can see the light in four or five days if the positive atmosphere continues to function as it currently exists.

The Al-Wafa Movement for Resistance also saw that “the current challenge lies in the success of the president in charge of completing the formation of a government that is truly qualified to carry out the agreed reforms, rehabilitate the living, monetary, financial situation. and the country’s economy and rebuilding what the blast destroyed in the port of Beirut, restoring public confidence and addressing obstacles to production and growth in the country. ” .

The bloc announced that it shares with the majority of Lebanese its aspiration to form a government as soon as possible, capable of carrying out the burdens of the difficult stage that the country is currently going through, which requires full and comprehensive cooperation, and a sincere uprising. of selfishness and personal and factional interests on behalf of the interests of Lebanon and the Lebanese, noting that “worsening The burden of life and the multiple complaints of citizens, health, food and services … emphasizes the need that the country has a government that fulfills the duty of responding quickly to the demands and aspirations of the Lebanese.
