Turkey and the countries of the Middle East … a confrontation with France and a contempt for the oppression of Muslims in China


The governments of the countries of the Middle East, in particular Turkey, rushed to adopt an economic boycott and summon ambassadors, with fierce declarations towards the positions of France, whose president, Emmanuel Macron, affirmed that his country “will not abandon the principle of freedom. in the publication of cartoons of the prophet Muhammad. “

However, the question that comes to the mind of many who observe the tensions between France and the Islamic countries is: “Why are these countries not angry with China’s repression of the Muslim minority in Xinjiang?”

Macron made a promise during a ceremony honoring history teacher Samuel Patti, who was killed by a young Chechen Russian militant by beheading because he showed these drawings to his students at school. What angered the governments were they were angry with Macron.

Patti showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad during her free speech class.

Patti showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad during her free speech class.

An analysis published by the “National Interest” website raises questions about the positions of Muslim leaders who joined Cuba’s October 6 statement, which praises “China’s response to threats of terrorism and extremism” and the measures taken “to protect the human rights of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.”

On the ground, recent years have witnessed horrific violations against Muslims in China, as Communist Party authorities have detained more than one million Uighur residents of Xinjiang in concentration camps, repressing their religious freedom and forcing them to adopt the ideas of the ruling party.

Reports and information received from detention centers indicate that the Chinese authorities violated the dignity of Muslim women by forcing them to submit to procedures that render them sterile, and forcing them to use contraceptive methods, and some of them caused abortions, acts of prohibited by the 1948 Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

US State Department Establishes Site to Document and Monitor Violations Against Uighur Muslim Minority in China

Uighur Muslims are subjected to violent repression by the Chinese authorities because of their religious beliefs.

The violations documented by the United States in its periodic reports, and presented to the United Nations, and Washington, on more than one occasion, called on Beijing to stop violating the rights of Muslims in the region. Especially since the Chinese government forcibly employs Muslims in factories that export their products abroad, but does not pay them for the work.

Erdogan … toughened up with France and ignored the oppression of the Uighurs

The offensive cartoon crisis opened the door to a heated debate between the two Turkish presidents, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Macron. Erdogan said the French president needed to “examine his mental health”, prompting Paris to denounce the statements as “unacceptable” and that “the increasing rhetoric and vulgarity are not a way to negotiate.” And Paris announced that it had summoned its ambassador to Ankara for consultations.

Erdogan’s stances toward France are harsher than his stances toward the Chinese rapes of Uighurs. Before 2016, Turkey was a haven for Uyghurs fleeing China’s oppression.

Many of the Uighur Muslims have their origins in Turkey, and this makes Ankara’s position special in other countries. In 2009, when Erdogan was prime minister, he said: “The events in China are simply genocide.”

But the Turkish position during Erdogan’s presidency of the country, in 2017 Ankara signed an agreement with Beijing that allows the extradition of criminals even if the alleged crime was only illegal in one of the two countries, and since the beginning of 2019, Turkey has arrested hundreds of Uighur Muslims, and has sent them to deportation centers, which formed a huge turn on the Turkish positions.

Observers attributed the Turkish transformation to Erdogan’s adherence to economic interests in light of the decline of his country’s economy, shrinking foreign reserves and the collapse of the local currency.

Erdogan turned to China after its economic problems worsened. The cooperation has expanded enormously since 2016, with the two countries signing 10 bilateral agreements including health and nuclear energy, as China is now Turkey’s second-largest import partner after Russia.

Islamic Action Organization

The magazine’s report says that in December 2018, the Independent Human Rights Commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, a 57-member organization that considers itself the “collective voice of the Muslim world,” acknowledged that Uighur Muslims were targeted. “Increasing discrimination on the basis of their religion” and that they were “forced to Follow and adopt cultural values ​​and practices that contradict their religious beliefs.

However, in March, the Islamic Organization had changed its rhetoric and began to glorify China’s efforts in the field of human rights and expression, expressing its desire for “future cooperation” with Beijing.
One of the most prominent examples is Pakistan, which criticized the Chinese campaign against Xinjiang in September 2018, before backtracking and criticizing what it called a foreign conspiracy to “raise the Uyghur issue” in China.

China has more than a million Uighurs and Kazakhs belonging to minorities in more than 400 camps in Xinjiang

China has more than a million Uighurs and Kazakhs belonging to minorities in more than 400 camps in Xinjiang

Figures show that Pakistan is one of the countries most indebted to China, and Beijing has pledged more than $ 60 billion to build the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor that will link its territory with the Arabian Sea.

As for Saudi Arabia, it has signed $ 28 billion worth of economic cooperation agreements with Beijing, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Kingdom Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, said it is “a good friend and partner of Saudi Arabia “and that China wishes to” strengthen international cooperation in the field of de-radicalization. ” To prevent the infiltration and spread of extremist thought ”. The Saudi crown prince responded by saying that Riyadh “respects and supports China’s right” to security and the fight against terrorism.

Macron’s proposal to protect his country’s secular values ​​from followers of extremist Islamic currents enraged the Turkish government.

Chinese authorities say Uighur camps aim for political rehabilitation

Chinese authorities say Uyghur camps aim for political rehabilitation

Macron described Islam this month as a religion that is in “crisis” around the world and indicated that the government will introduce a bill in December to toughen a law passed in 1905 that formally separates church and state in France.

    Calls to boycott French products spiked on social media due to Macron's stance on cartoons

Calls to boycott French products spiked on social media due to Macron’s stance on cartoons

Macron also announced tightening control over schools and improving control over external funding of mosques, after a militant beheaded a French teacher who offered insulting cartoons of the prophet Muhammad.
