After a Democratic Republican Ram … Trump appoints Judge Bar …


A week before the end of voting on the US presidential and “congressional” elections, the US Senate voted last night to appoint Justice Amy Connie Barrett as Supreme Court Justice, after 52 Republicans to 47 Democrats. oppose the resolution.

Democrats have criticized Republicans seeking to speed up the nomination process just a week before the election.

Barrett’s confirmation in the Supreme Court came 30 days after President Donald Trump nominated her to fill the post of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a short period compared to the three months it normally takes to install new justices. for this court.

While the Democrats in the “Senate” tried to slow down the process of installing Trump’s third candidate for the Supreme Court, through various procedural maneuvers, the Republicans in this House stood as an obstacle to attempts to delay Barrett’s confirmation.

What close role for the Supreme Court?

With the confirmation of Justice Barrett, the majority of the Supreme Court will turn in favor of Republican Conservatives appointed by Republican Presidents to become 6 justices against 3 Liberals.

It is noteworthy that the Democratic opposition arose from the experience of the Republican majority in the “Senate” of refusing to hold hearings of Judge Merrick Garland, candidate of former President Barack Obama 4 years ago, almost 8 months before the elections of that year. , under the pretext of the need to await the results of the presidential elections and grant the right to elect a new judge for the next president.

Judge Barrett made a commitment after taking an oath to follow the law and abide by the constitution in her judicial work.

Democrats are concerned about Barrett’s record, as he pointed to the unconstitutionality of health care programs known as “Obama Care” and called for an expansion of the right to bear arms.

Due to the consequences of the Corona virus, which prompted millions of citizens to vote by mail out of fear of transmission, Democrats fear that the first cases that Barrett could consider as a new Supreme Court justice would be the one in which it is decided who wins. in the White House, in light of the uprising. The number of cases filed that are expected to be filed to challenge the vote counting and counting method.

And many Democratic senators considered in their speeches before the vote to confirm Judge Barrett that what Trump had done to accelerate his candidacy was nothing more than a political act to help him preserve the White House, in a race that all the opinion polls showed their defeat in the next elections.

Donald trumpCongressFrom the pastUnited States SenateBarack Obama

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