Hariri, after a few days, to Baabda with a final training … the birth of the government over the weekend


Building: The optimistic mood close to the birth of the government still prevails on the governmental scene, as Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri is expected to visit Baabda for the third time today to present his vision of the form of government to the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun. , and if this matter is agreed, Hariri will return to Aoun in a few days with final training. With the names of the ministers.

Al-Binaa sources noted that the government is awaiting a final understanding between Presidents Aoun and Hariri on two issues: the Christian quota and the distribution of ministers and portfolios to the parliamentary blocs that represent Christians in parliament, and the second round of portfolios with the decision of the finance ministry of a specialist minister appointed by the president of the parliament Nabih Berri. The information favored the birth of the government over the weekend, if the remaining decades were to waver, and confirmed that there is almost an agreement that the government will be made up of twenty ministers who are not partisan, but politicized specialists. As for the government, it will be based on a three-thirds political balance with two additional ministers:

6 ministers for the duo Amal and Hezbollah and their allies.

6 ministers to the Prime Minister, the Future Movement and its allies.

6 ministers for the president’s team, the Free Patriotic Movement and its allies, plus a second Druze minister chosen by consensus among the Aoun triumvirate, the head of the Socialist Party Walid Jumblatt, the MP Talal Arslan, and another Christian minister.

According to the information also, the principle of rotation that Aoun adheres to does not include the Ministry of Finance, which was decided during the author consultations conducted by Ambassador Mustafa Adeeb and with Hariri prior to his assignment. The Ministry of Energy has not been decided, and it may not be for the Free Patriotic Movement, and will be negotiated with the Ministry of Works and the Ministry of the Interior It is awaiting the adoption of the principle of rotation of their currencies between the presidents Aoun and Hariri.

According to sources, Hezbollah will appoint specialized ministers who are not partisan, but who politically support the resistance, as well as the Amal movement, and the party will demand the Ministry of Health, but will not insist on it if it obstructs the authorship, noting that it has not discounted from Shiite participation except financial.

The sources speak of three nodes that could make authorship difficult:

Si Aoun insists on the principle of integral rotation.

If Hariri refuses to hand over the interior to Aoun in exchange for his defense or foreign gain.

If Jumblatt insists on appointing the Druze second minister.

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