O people of power, “your reforms” have been returned to you!


Comrades, colleagues and friends who participated in the meeting for change, the different national forces, Palestinian factions, groups, youth squares, organizations, unions, municipal, social and media groups.

Comrades from the different organizations and sectors of the party in the country and abroad.
Greetings to all and Happy New Year.
Ninety-six years have passed since the founding of the Lebanese Communist Party, ninety-six years of struggle for the path of liberation and change, the path of national and social liberation for our people. Today we have come to commemorate his glorious memory in this march, which symbolizes in the meaning of its beginning from the Bustros Pharmacy to the Riad El Solh Square, until the combination and integration between the beginning of Jammoul on September 16, 1982 and the uprising of October 17, 2019, which today embodies the meaning of the single confrontation of the only issue, which won them. Our people are on both stations, affirming the validity and correctness of this historic choice of our party.
Always present throughout all this history, you have not gotten tired or bored, for the sake of this option you have presented the most valuable of what you have, two martyred general secretaries, Faraj Allah Al-Helou and George Hawi, and thousands of martyrs, wounded and prisoners who marched in blood and sweat the march of our party.
They are present in all fields of struggle, against the Zionist guerrillas since the thirties of the last century, in the battles of the mandate and independence they are present, in the struggles of the working class and the student and professional movement, against the Zionist aggression and its occupation, which have been established by the People’s Guard, the Ansar Forces, and the Lebanese National Resistance Trail on the Jammoul Liberation Road. And change, in the face of the partition and federalization projects, you fought and led the question of Palestine, and it still is, and you have not invested in it, and on the altar of freedom of thought and expression you presented two great martyrs thinkers, Hussein Marwa and Mahdi Amel, who with their socialist ideology resisted attempts to stop our national and class thinking. Greetings, all greetings, to all the martyrs and to this march that remains in the pact, and for this option, and that the confrontation remains one and continues for the good of national and social liberation at the general national level and at the level of each Arab country.
This is our concept of resistance:
Against the imperialist and Zionist plunder of the wealth and riches of our peoples, which invests in the submission, domination and occupation, throughout the century’s agreement, the liquidation of the Palestinian cause and the surrender and normalization agreements that the traitorous regimes they do with the Zionist entity.
– Against dependent local capitalist regimes and their corrupt political systems, including our Lebanese system, which assumes the role of power to exploit, impoverish and displace our people and protect the interests of its guardians abroad.
Herein lies the importance of the uprising that has led the agent to a crisis that he cannot address without directly turning to the original ruler who comes to us from all directions, to reproduce a new version of the subordination of the sectarian political system in crisis that links the interests of the representatives among themselves.
All attempts to revive this system and float your system have failed. Neither the Hariri-led “national unity” government that his popular uprising overthrew has worked with him, nor the “parliamentary majority” government led by Hassan Diab, as well as the “mission” government,
Yet they repeat the doomed attempt to get out of their predicament by reassigning Hariri as prime minister, and in this he damaged and despised the sentiments and will of hundreds of thousands of Lebanese who rose up on October 17 and overthrew him, to his government and its “reform” plan. Today we repeat and raise our voices aloud to say: This is the scenario that overthrew your previous government, and will overthrow your next government if it is formed, as part of the continuation of the payment of the bills, so where do you go? carries the country? Stop paying bills one after another, the American is pushing from the outside, and you are submitting to his pressures at home by depriving our people of their most basic social and human rights.

Its charter, the false consociational democracy, the illusion of neutrality collapsed … and the proposals for apostasy and sectarian confinement

You submitted to border demarcation, because we see no justification for negotiating border demarcation with the Zionist enemy, and Lebanon is in a state of total collapse. Rather, we see in this open submission to Lebanon to the sanctions and pressures of the United States, as how the American overnight became a mediator in the border demarcation negotiations and is the supporting ally. Zionist entity, and you only care about protecting it and looting our oil wealth?
You have submitted and are subject to the instructions and dictates of the trustees, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, after their policies have led us to the great devastation for which they are responsible: financial, economic, social, collapse. education and health, collapse of all state institutions and public services.
You have passed and are subject to what you call “reforms”, which are delusions that you are the mastermind by promoting them in some media. Your “reforms” have arrived and do not need “explanation”. They are evident in the astronomical rates they recorded in terms of unemployment, immigration and famine. There are no medicines, no electricity, no water, no housing, and thousands of industrial and commercial establishments are closed … and the GDP is more. The fall in the exchange rate continues, with the increase in prices and the cost of living, and the inflation rate increasing to 100% between August 2019 and August 2020.
You obeyed and succumbed to the issue of increasing indirect taxes (value added tax) and the rates of basic public services (electricity), reducing the offers of the pension and social benefits systems, and selling what was left of public institutions for the benefit of banks and the private sector, locally and abroad, and in the next big step to stop subsidizing import prices of drugs and fuels. And the implementation of wheat, which practically began to be implemented on the ground, was just announced by the Governor of the Banque du Liban, where an additional 60% increase in prices is expected, and with it two thirds of the Lebanese people will be imposed to join the army of the poor and / or the army of the unemployed, thus threatening the collapse of protection institutions. Social security, especially guarantor institutions, mainly the Social Security Fund, health protection systems, severance pay, and most formal, public and university education institutions.
Whats Next? Enough of arrogance … His pact, his false consensual democracy, the illusion of neutrality, the triangle, federalism and early elections, and the proposals for apostasy and sectarian confinement and clashes of civil struggles that generate political and social divergence, they have collapsed much more than the Crown epidemic.
It is its political system, with its dependent capitalism, sectarian quotas and hereditary systems, that threatens the destiny, existence and existence of Lebanon, which must be eradicated, after making the lives of the Lebanese a hell of fighting for their survival.

This is what awaits the Lebanese if they manage to form a government under the pretext that the citizen can no longer tolerate them, and the truth is that they no longer support them, and no longer believe in their promises. They have been selling false promises for thirty years. Now each of them is looking for a trustee abroad to adopt and sell what does not belong to him from this country for a jacket and not reveal their financial accounts and their smuggled and stolen money.
And if the WhatsApp tax is the party that ignited the uprising, then what will happen if the support is lifted, apart from the squares and streets of the uprising being lit, we are already warning the corrupt system of the consequences of removing the subsidies, that they will constitute a social explosion and a station to revolutionize the uprising that it will not be able to reinstate. The hands of the hour turn back … Fethiye to the martyrs and wounded of the uprising and to the martyrs who died in the explosion of the port that destroyed the capital, Beirut.
Comrades and comrades
As we celebrate this glorious anniversary today, we commit ourselves to the Lebanese people, the popular uprising public and all forces for democratic change to continue the fight against the ruling system and move towards building the broader national coalition for change that lead to the adjustment of the balance of power and to lay the foundations of an alternative political project, starting with imposing a transitional government from outside the ruling system with exceptional powers as a prelude to the establishment of a secular democratic state in Lebanon.
Comrades and comrades
In light of these national, economic and social challenges that await us, and in parallel, we announce the launch of the largest dialogue and discussion workshop, starting next week, based on the projects of intellectual and evaluation papers in preparation for the convocation of the XII Conference of our party and in accordance with the preparation mechanism approved by the Central Committee.
Live the ninety-sixth anniversary of the founding of the Lebanese Communist Party
Glory and eternity of the righteous martyrs.
We will proceed with what we want: a free country and a happy people.

* Speech by the Secretary General of the Lebanese Communist Party, on the 96th anniversary of the founding of the party

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