Italy: More measures to confront Corona … and more anger


Anger is rising in Italy following the imposition of new and strict measures to curb the outbreak of the new Corona virus, with the aim of “saving Christmas”, at a time when some countries seriously affected by the virus announce a touch of it remains to avoid imposing a general blockade again.

  • In Italy, there are more measures to confront Corona and more anger
    The Italian government imposes strict measures to stop the outbreak of “Corona”, with the aim of “saving Christmas”.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s decision to close restaurants and bars and close theaters, cinemas and sports clubs starting at 6 p.m. for a month has received widespread criticism, while scientists doubt that these measures are enough to stop the spread. of the virus.

Conte said he hopes the new restrictions “will allow us to be more comfortable at Christmas,” while warning that “hugs and parties” may remain unthinkable.

The Italian newspaper “Corriere de la Serra” published on its front page a cartoon of Conte telling “Santa Claus” while trying to commit suicide: “Stop! We have brought a decree to save you.”

Restaurant and bar owners are unhappy. The early closing hours mean that patrons cannot be accommodated for the “Iperitivo”, when people gather for a cup before dinner.

“These restrictions will be the end of us all,” said 70-year-old Giuseppe Tonon, a restaurant owner in the small town of Oderzo in northeastern Italy. “We are not in the city center, we are in the countryside. Our clients come in the afternoon or on weekends,” he told AFP.

The leader of the famous Italian orchestra, Ricardo Muti, publicly appealed to the prime minister, saying that closing art sectors would also “harm health.”

He said: “Defining … theater and music as ‘unnecessary’, as indicated by some elements of the government, is an ignorant, uneducated and insensitive definition.”

On Sunday, Italy, the first European country seriously affected by the epidemic, registered 21,273 new cases of the virus.

District officials warned that a new decree containing draconian measures could spark social tensions after clashes on the streets of Naples and Rome last week.

While the right-wing opposition leader Matteo Salvini said he was preparing to legally challenge the decree, Walter Ricciardry, an adviser to the Italian government of the World Health Organization, said the measures may not be “enough” to slow the spread of the virus.

Italy was the epicenter of the virus earlier this year. But cases are now much higher in Spain and France, which exceed the million mark.

The countries of Europe are seeing an increase in the number of infections, as governments take drastic measures.

Spain declared a new national emergency and a night curfew, while France registered a record number of daily injuries with more than 50,000 cases, and extended the night curfew to areas inhabited by almost 46 million people.

The “Covid-19” pandemic has so far claimed one million one hundred thousand people and has affected more than 43 million worldwide.

The European Union said it had reduced meetings of experts and senior officials, and decided to hold more video conferencing, while Brussels suffers a significant increase in the number of new Corona virus infections.

Today, Monday, new controls are implemented on most of Slovenia’s borders with Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia.

In Germany, the Christian Democratic Union party led by Chancellor Angela Merkel announced the postponement of a conference scheduled for early December to elect a new president, due to the increase in coronavirus cases in the country.

Spain’s state of emergency leaves district officials with the power to impose restrictions on movement to and from their areas and to extend curfews.

The northeastern region of Catalonia announced on Monday that it was considering imposing a weekend shutdown. You will not be alone, as “Israel”, Ireland and Wales have recently imposed closures, which have led to the incarceration of residents at their homes and prevented them from practicing other than basic activities.

And in the United States, which continues to be the country most affected by the virus, it surpassed its record of daily infections at the end of last week, bringing the issue to the fore in the presidential campaign.

On the other side of the world, Melbourne’s five million residents have received much-anticipated news about the lifting of lockdown measures this week.

Residents of the city are subject to tougher measures than anywhere in Australia, but with new cases of infection falling dramatically, state political officials are under pressure to lift the measures.

“It was a very difficult year,” said Victoria’s head of state government Daniel Andrews. “The people of Victoria sacrificed a lot and I am proud of each one of them.”
