Israeli Foreign Minister: Ban “Hezbollah” Activities


On Monday, Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi said during his visit to Greece that Israel will not allow Iran to establish a military position in Syria and that it will continue to work against Iranian activities and prevent Iran from destabilizing the Middle East.

Ashkenazi emphasized the importance of banning Hezbollah activities, as well as discussing options for further cooperation, and the parties agreed that there is an opportunity to form regional alliances, in the fields of energy, technology, anti-Corona and others.

During Ashkenazi’s meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Athens, the Israeli minister presented the positive developments in the Middle East peace process, the signing of the peace agreement with the United Arab Emirates and the normalization agreements with Bahrain and Sudan. .

The two sides discussed the Iranian dossier, the importance of maintaining stability in the Middle East, and dealing with terrorist organizations, particularly Hezbollah.

Ashkenazi said Israel appreciates dialogue and coordination with the Russian government to prevent Iran’s positioning in Syria.
Ashkenazi emphasized that Israel is working firmly to prevent the transfer of precision weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon, which exploits civil society and exposes civilians to danger.

Ashkenazi and Lavrov welcomed preparations for the planned online meeting of the Government Joint Committee for Economic Cooperation between Russia and Israel and agreed to strengthen cooperation in the global fight against the Corona pandemic.
