General strike and road blockade on this date – Ambassador of the North


The federations and unions of the land transport sector in Lebanon announced the strike on November 18, following a meeting held before noon today at the headquarters of the General Union of Workers led by Bassam Talis and in the presence of the president of the union, Dr. Bechara Al-Asmar.

The meeting was also attended by the president of the truck owners union, Shafiq Al-Qassis, the president of the federation of drivers unions in South Mount Lebanon, Kamal Shamit, the president of the federation of driver loyalty, Ahmed Al-Mousawi, the general secretary of the public drivers union, Ali Mohieddin, the representative of the tanker owners union and fuel distributors and fuel carriers from Hadi Shakra. Members of union councils.


The meeting began with a speech by Tallis, in which he welcomed Dr. Al Asmar and thanked the unions and unions in the land transport sector that contributed to the implementation of the call of the General Union of Workers for a sit-in on 14 October.

Talis focused on three themes:

1- Regarding the issue of aid to drivers, I consider that much has been said about this issue, which required a working meeting with the Army leadership, since it was clear that there are some regulations that do not meet the requirements , which forced us to distribute them to the federations and unions to classify them and complete the information in it so that all public drivers are paid.

2- Exemption from mechanical fees, this project was on the agenda of the parliamentary session of October 20, but the quorum was removed and it was not approved. We thank President Berri and all the parliamentary blocs that stayed in the session, and we also thank those who blew up the quorum, and we told them about the issues of people’s lives and their human rights, without tenders, and we fully understand how developed the session, but we await the approval of this project in the next session.

3- Lifting of subsidies: The General Union of Workers has previously warned repeatedly against the lifting of subsidies for medicines and basic materials because any damage to this support will fly socially to the country, and today on the threshold of forming a new government we put this file in his custody because the lawsuit and the issue of life deserves our thanks to the people who care about it. It is a purely union action and we will fight to defend it, and in the face of the optimistic climate that prevails in the country, we are not going to put bumpers in the wheels because we are going to form a government to save the country economically and socially.

And based on our acuity and sense of responsibility, and an authorization in the field that will allow the future government to place the demands of the land transport sector at the top of its priorities, the most important of which is mechanical inspection, which will be an element of the terms of the ministerial declaration. Preparing it under the roof of the General Union of Workers.


For his part, the president of the General Union of Workers thanked all the participants of the rabies alert day, and all those who participated in our meeting with the economic bodies on the road because the force is already in the street, and This is the play of the union that will be on the ground.

Al-Asmar noted that “these moves led to a quick assignment”, and congratulated Prime Minister Saad Hariri on his assignment to form the government, hoping for a quick composition and demanding that the General Union of Workers be among the consultations to be held. done for composition, and that the ministerial declaration include plans for transportation, the student dollar, and ongoing support for basic materials and supplies. .

He said: “In the past we called for the continued support of medicine due to its repercussions on the health situation, and today we are witnessing the collapse of the health system, so hospitals began to refrain from receiving patients unless they paid cash” .

And he added: “We demand that this issue be addressed, and that BDL circulars be fair with workers and with limited incomes, and that they facilitate the health situation, which requires successive meetings under the auspices of the Minister of Health, otherwise we will have painful actions before the hospitals and the governance of the Bank of Lebanon. Hospitals must receive patients and not refrain from doing so, so as not to generate problems that negatively affect the medical system ”.

Al-Asmar demanded that the garbage accumulated on the roads and between neighborhoods and homes be treated with the necessary speed, “because everything that is happening prepares a social revolution, and we must all cooperate to avoid it.”

Al-Asmar saluted the federations and unions of the land transport sector for announcing the strike according to the General Union of Workers on November 18, saying: “There will be a big movement, and it could be before this date. If we see a failure in the formation of the government, what will push the union to call out to the streets with all economic organizations and civil society ”.

The Shepherd

The captain of the truckers supported what was announced by both Talis and Asmar, and said: “This time we will not back down and we will make a big move, because we refuse to continue stalling and postponing the demands.”


The head of the Drivers’ Loyalty Union affirmed that the union would be in the forefront if the State refuses to meet the demands of the road transport sector and refuses to lift subsidies and sell state property, supporting the measure on 18 November.


For his part, the general secretary of the Public Drivers Union, due to the reality of the transport sector and the problems that plague it, highlighted “the need to carry out the strike on November 18.”
