The Iranian Foreign Ministry demanded “the urgent release of Al-Akhras, an end to the arbitrary arrests of the Zionist entity and the release of hundreds of Palestinians who were unfairly and aggressively arrested.” Ending his unjustified detention “,
Iran’s Foreign Ministry added: “The occupiers must end arbitrary detentions and release him and hundreds of unjustly detained Palestinians,” using the hashtag on the official Twitter account, “Free Maher Al-Akhras.”
Last Thursday, the International Committee of the Red Cross revealed the entry of Maher Al-Akhras, the Palestinian prisoner, who has been on a hunger strike for 88 days, to protest against administrative detention, at a critical stage, demanding a solution not to lose your life.
Al-Akhras was arrested at his home in Silat al-Dhahr, Jenin district, at the end of last July, and issued a decision to transfer him to administrative detention for a period of four months, and from the first day of his arrest, to the -Akhras started a hunger strike.