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A new study concluded that the full use of masks can prevent 130,000 deaths related to the emerging corona virus, until the end of next February.

The study prepared by the journal “Niger Medicine” and published by the website “The Hill”, indicated that wearing the mask correctly and social distancing are the two most important means to prevent coronavirus until the date of approval of the vaccine .

The study added: “A full commitment to wearing a mask can prevent a second wave of illness, even with less stringent general restrictions.”

The study found that even if only 85 percent of people wore masks in public, almost 96,000 lives could be saved.

But if 95 percent of people do not fully wear the mask, it could lead to the death of more than half a million people due to the epidemic, according to the expectations of researchers at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.

So far, no vaccine has received official approval in the world, at a time when scientists hope that these vaccines will not be available before next year, while the doses will not be widely available before next April.

And 49 percent of Americans said they are committed to wearing masks in public places permanently, while researchers confirmed that 95 percent of people wear masks in the United States.

The United States, which is the country most affected by the “Covid 19” disease caused by the Corona virus, has 8,489,752 confirmed cases, of which 223,947 deaths, according to statistics from Johns Hopkins University.

In the worst-case scenario, which the researchers modeled, states that continue to ease their restrictions would lead to one million deaths nationwide by the end of February.

The researchers noted that implementing measures such as school closings, meeting restrictions, stay-at-home orders, and partial or complete closures of non-essential businesses once the state reaches 8 daily deaths per million people “could mitigate significantly the effects of the disease. “
