Escape from the sword of punishment


Quietly … the issue in Lebanon is no longer related to the pact and agreement between the members of the sects and the ruling sects of their parties who have aged early, as much as to the equation of the hungry and the political thief who plundered and he even stole leaven, so that no one after him would knead it and establish a homeland. This is the case of the ruling political forces that dominate the capacities of the people and the State, and act according to the equations of exchange of roles for political recycling, to protect their leaders and henchmen, and in their new repositioning based on escape. on the sword of the punishments obtained, and on their money, children and political descendants who prepared them to complete the leadership of the next stage. Even if it requires you to agree to oil and gas framework agreements or a covert normalization with Israel. This is the case of the state of the sects and their princes in Lebanon, today, just as it was the case of the princes of the Muslims in Andalusia when they built monolithic and militant sectarian reserves that handed over the keys and capabilities of the state after they he could not protect himself and his people …

It is true that we are not in the process of accepting at all the formulation of this dark sectarian and sectarian system, but as an anatomy of facts and data, it becomes clear that everyone wants to obey Prime Minister Saad Hariri, and behind him the position Sunni if ​​we talk about the struggle of sectarian and sectarian forces. These political forces, each of their positions and their calculations, want something specific. For example, the Shiite duo want Saad Hariri as prime minister, in order to reduce the intensity of Sunni-Shiite sectarian rhetoric, and in a way that relaxes both sides at once, to complete their cross-border project (Hezbollah in the region – Amal Movement to protect its reality and its internal profits, and to avoid the encirclement and external sanctions against it and its funds).
They want Prime Minister Hariri, with the launch of the Saudi and American green light for him, to put the whistle and wheel of Arab, Gulf and international aid to Lebanon, to fill the funds that revolve around the orbit of the Council of Ministers, to practice financial banditry and carry out the most dangerous types of blackmail and drag son Hariri, as they were in the days of Father Hariri, to share financial stocks, loot loans and treasury funds. Everyone wants that, from their sectarian position, who has dedicated this consensual constitution to them, and when financial policies fail, and inevitably will fail, they will remove the cover and leave the leadership of the “Sunni” government in front of the starving masses of the Lebanese, after they and their groups have financial security Europe) and Amni (through its civil militias implanted in the state ministries).
What happened, finally, is an attempt by Minister Gebran Bassil to use the Shiite duo scenario, in the interests of Sunni subjugation, to force Hariri to make partisan political concessions related to the archives of the government structure, to protect some ministries that he has manipulated and still is, and to complete his factional project in the Christian arena, after he refused. Samir Geagea got the name Hariri and announced his frank position. The Armenian bloc wanted to take charge of the matter and assume the responsibility of postponing the consultations to one more week, as if Lebanon and the Lebanese lived in a state of political, security, economic and social luxury, since in the first place there is no responsibility of trial and accountability of the forces that have committed themselves to Lebanon and the people, carried it out and destroyed its pillars, without blinking … So, what political authority are we talking about? It is the government of kings and princes of sects.

What happened recently was Minister Gebran Bassil’s attempt to use the Shiite duo’s stage for Sunni subjugation.

It is a role-playing game, neither more nor less, between the “Free Patriotic Movement” and the Shiite duo, and an attempt to show the contradiction to the point of disagreement regarding the inclusion and support of the delegation that negotiates with Israel for civilian advisers on the part of the Republican Palace departments in charge of this matter according to article 52 of the Lebanese constitution. Therefore, several scenarios have been exposed for this authority, beginning:
In the attempt of the Shiite duo to push more, and in front of its already complaining street – and that was raised about the fact that our conflict with Israel is a struggle of existence without borders – from the negotiation process, until it it tells the Lebanese and the world that we have not accepted these negotiations, except reluctantly and we are obliged not to be recorded in future books of accounts. And it will definitely be recorded.
President Nabih Berri is sensitive to the American sanctions that are just around the corner, which are serious and real as they were the people closest to him, and we mean former Minister Ali Hassan Khalil. It is just an experiment to measure the evidence, but the opposition forces immediately collapsed and began to comply.
Minister Gebran Bassil’s fear of the US sanctions whispering near him was that they are serious, realistic and unavoidable, a matter that made him rush and rush to force members and civilian advisers to join the negotiating delegation on the framework agreement. between Lebanon and Israel, and to present new credentials to the American, in order to protect himself, his groups, his associates and his cronies.
It is the domain of the sects, gentlemen, that led the country to bankruptcy and emptied its treasures in the form and logic of rentier production. To get their daily sustenance, they queue in front of gas stations, gasping for the missing medicine.
And getaway? Soon there will be no government, except after the American elections and the appearance of their results. And even if Saad Hariri is assigned, his only concern is to get the assignment paper and put it in his pocket, even if it took a long time for the training, with the aim of blocking any other candidate who might oppose him.
This is the case of Lebanese politicians: a political party bets on the country for its role and its regional expansion, through its constant bidding and its seizure of a blood analysis machine in patriotism and hostility towards Israel, agent of constant accusations and insults against the Arabs and the Gulf countries, and he wants to obtain financial aid and tourist services for Lebanon, and political cover for him in his conflict. And the expansion of Iranian influence in the region. And a second political party, mortgaging Lebanon for its bad temper, strengthening its factionalism and presenting credentials by mortgaging the country and its promised capabilities abroad, to protect itself after its project to assume the presidency could not be realized through political reproduction. As for the third, he wants to monopolize the role of prime minister in his person and around him, with slogans that will never be achieved in hitting corruption and initiating reforms, and he did not know until today that he is ending his government with his hands in wrapping the sectarian cocoon around his neck that gradually narrows, until the Sunni community is removed from the equation. The Lebanese political system, and we have a great need to build a civil state and change this political and social contract that strengthened the logic of consensual democracy based on the strength and presence of sects and sects. And here we are living the last days of their kings, so do you want to achieve oil and gas profits and sovereignty against Israel, and you have taken off all your clothes and lining and were naked before the world?

* Professor of political science and international relations

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