How does the Corona virus infect humans? … Expert response


In most cases, it is impossible to determine precisely how a person is infected with the emerging coronavirus, which causes Covid-19 disease, but months of research have identified some of the ways that the virus infects humans.

According to the American newspaper “Washington Post”, close contact between one person and another is widely considered the predominant situation for infection, because infected people expel droplets that carry virus particles when they speak, sing or breathe normally. Hence the importance of social distancing.

There are also other pathways that are less common. Scientists have indicated the transmission of smaller particles called aerosols, which can float for a longer distance and for longer periods, showing that good ventilation and masks reduce the risk of infection.

All of these particles can contaminate surfaces when they land, and people who touch them can transfer virus particles to their nose, mouth, or eyes and become infected.

Experts advise here to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and to clean things that are touched frequently, such as door handles, which reduces the risk of transmission.

Experts confirm that spending at least 15 minutes near an infected person, or even shorter periods with a person coughing or sneezing, is risky, because they shed virus-laden particles.

And the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you leave a distance of at least two meters between you and the other person, which is about the distance these drops can normally fly.

The World Health Organization says that a distance of at least one meter should be left between you and the other person, and “a greater distance” in case the place is closed. Public health authorities also recommend that people wash their hands frequently and stop shaking hands, hugging, and kissing.

Infected people can be contagious more than a day or two before they start feeling sick, and they can continue to be contagious for 15 days after symptoms appear.

People with very mild or asymptomatic symptoms can also transmit Covid-19, so testing for isolation is necessary.

For families with a suspected or confirmed case of infection, doctors suggest keeping this person separate from others as much as possible and cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, such as keys, tables, and remote controls.

While humans are the largest source of infection, some pets, farm and zoo animals, and bats are vulnerable, although there is no evidence that animals play a significant role in the spread of the virus.

Indoor environments that lack adequate ventilation or air purification exacerbate the spread of virus-laden particles. It is most common in clubs, bars, restaurants, and gyms.

Infectious particles on surfaces, clothing, and other things can also travel into the air if excited, making walking on contaminated floors or removing contaminated clothing a potential risk.

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