Corona and the second infection … There is no immunity for everyone | Phalanges


Nasreen Mireeb wrote on Asas Media:

After being infected with the coronavirus, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, was confident in himself and crowned his supporters by saying: “I am in full physical condition and have immunity against the virus.” But what the president, who had previously ridiculed and underestimated the Coronavirus, did not realize that the contagion with him again is very likely, and can even lead to death, and that the issue of immunity is not guaranteed, according to revealed the British University “Oxford”, after registering the first death of a woman (89 years old) in the Netherlands after being re-infected with the Coronavirus.

The Dutch woman who was announced is not the first case to be infected with the virus for the second time, since the second infections were registered earlier in different countries.

Former Health Minister Muhammad Jawad Khalifa explained in this context that there are many issues related to Covid 19 that still need to be explained, pointing to the existence of many different theories that showed a kind of exception, including the issue of infecting the elderly and people. with chronic diseases: “It is true that the virus represents a danger for the elderly. Age, but I am currently following an elderly cancer patient, who has a corona without showing any symptoms. “

Khalifa asks if these exceptions are related to the patient’s body or the nature and particles of the virus, and confirms that the answers are still being investigated. As for immunity, it is clear that not all bodies respond to immunity, for example, when the vaccine is tested on 100 people, only 80 to 85 of them form immunity, and the rest do not develop any immunity. The former Minister of Health quotes Sweden, which went to herd immunity: “In Sweden, for example, there are those who acquired immunity for only 7 months. There are those who lost it at 4 months, and there are those who did not acquire it at all. According to studies, the number whose immunity remained acceptable up to 7 months. Their percentage ranges between 70 and 80% “.

According to Khalifa, a patient with corona is at risk of re-infection if he does not acquire immunity, or if he loses it after several months.

So what is the solution?

Khalifa points out that the information on the subject Corona is periodically renewed: “At the beginning a large number of deaths were registered, since people did not know the nature of the disease or how to prevent it, and there were drugs that prevented giving them to a patient with crown , including cortisone, today these drugs have become Among the approved treatments, the mechanism for dealing with the virus has become less panic than before, since we simply examine and quarantine “, adding:” Prevention and knowing how dealing with the virus are the main ones. For example, the number of infections in hospitals is still very low today. Those infected had mixed with patients who had not declared their infection. “

Regarding the exaggeration of the “British experience”, after recording 20 deaths on Wednesday, Khalifa believes that these descriptions are illogical, whether about Britain, Spain or Italy, because “the demographics are different, and the British experience is not present. in Lebanon, in Great Britain there are 35% “. Of the population older than 75 years, but in Lebanon, only 10% of the population is 70 years or older. There are industrial societies that are crowded into homes and in transportation. As for Lebanon, we have a young society distributed between towns and cities.

In conclusion, Khalifa affirms that the weapon in our hands today is adherence to procedures, the use of the muzzle, in addition to isolation in case there are any symptoms, highlighting another point that are hospitals, especially in Beirut, where the 58% of the Lebanese population and does not include just two hospitals. Government officials.

Source: Asas Media
