Mutual criticism between Trump and Biden and cancellation of their second debate


US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden criticized President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, while the two candidates held simultaneous interviews on public television after canceling their second debate.

The television showdown, which took place in prime time, highlighted how extraordinary this year’s campaign is in light of the pandemic that has affected nearly eight million Americans, including the president himself.

Millions have already cast their votes in early voting ahead of the elections scheduled for November 3.

Biden, speaking to voters in Philadelphia on ABC, tried to make Trump’s handling of the pandemic the main problem, blaming the Republican president; Because he underestimated the virus that killed more than 216,000 in the United States.

Biden said: “He said he didn’t tell anybody because he was afraid that Americans would panic.” He added: “Americans don’t panic. He’s the one who panicked.”

Trump defended his handling of the pandemic, as well as his personal demeanor, even hosting an event at the White House in which most did not wear masks or adhere to social distancing, resulting in many attendees contracting the disease.

Trump said on NBC television in front of an audience of voters in Miami: “I am president, I must see people, I cannot sit in a basement,” and implicitly criticized Biden, after he spent months away from campaign events while the pandemic broke out. .

Trump drastically boycotted Biden during a chaotic debate about two weeks ago, and at their last meeting he showed little interest in changing his tone.

He said he had heard “different stories” about the effectiveness of the masks, even though his administration’s public health experts said wearing a mask is important in stopping the spread of the virus.

Trump withdrew from the second debate, which was scheduled for Thursday, when the organizing committee said it would take place online. Due to concerns about the Corona virus.

The third presidential debate is scheduled for October 22 in Nashville, Tennessee.

A Reuters / Ipsos poll showed that Biden is far ahead of Trump domestically, although his lead is smaller in likely states.

The University of Florida Election Project said nearly 18.3 million Americans have voted in person or by email so far, which is 12.9 percent of the total votes counted in the 2016 general election.

This week, the two candidates visited crucial states, as Trump held mass meetings in Florida, Pennsylvania and Iowa, while Biden traveled to Ohio and Florida.

Biden’s campaign said Thursday that “three people who traveled with him or Senator Kamala Harris, the Democratic vice presidential candidate, were confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus.”

Harris was a great help to those who were confirmed to be infected with the virus, but the campaign said he was not in close contact with her. Despite this, Harris canceled his travel plans for the weekend as a precaution.

Biden’s campaign also stated that he traveled on a plane with a person who later tested positive for Coronavirus, but Biden was not in contact with this person and his travel schedule will remain unchanged.
