Know the new symptoms of the coronavirus | Phalanges


Doctors have discovered new symptoms of coronavirus infection and its complications, called “subacute thyroiditis.”

Doctors in various parts of the world continue to discover the symptoms associated with the emerging corona virus, which are gradually becoming evident, after they were initially limited to heat and cough, then added to them the loss of the sense of smell and taste, in addition of some other symptoms.

Doctors in Italy monitored the new symptoms related to the coronavirus infection and its complications, noting that they had detected them in the case of an infected woman, and it was treated as “rare”.

The British newspaper, The Daily Mirror, said that doctors in Italy treated a woman for complications from the Corona virus, as she developed rare symptoms, which are an inflammation of the thyroid gland, which is an infection that can cause severe pain in the neck plus fever and high body temperature, according to “Al Arabiya Net” website.

A medical report related to a new case in Italy revealed that the Corona virus can also cause a rare complication called “subacute thyroiditis.”

Doctors in Italy treated a woman for this case, in what is believed to be the first known case related to the “Covid-19” virus.

“Physicians should be alerted to the possibility of this additional clinical manifestation related to Covid 19,” said Dr. Francesco Latruva, who treated the woman.

The 18-year-old woman, whose name has not been released, had tested positive for the emerging coronavirus and had made a full recovery from the disease.

Doctors say the woman started suffering from neck pain, thyroid, fever and irregular heart rate after recovering from the virus, and doctors later diagnosed her case as “subacute thyroiditis.”

Doctors note that “subacute thyroiditis” is most common in women between the ages of 20 and 50, and usually causes fever and pain in the neck, jaw, or ear.

And Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) said: “These symptoms appear when the thyroid gland becomes inflamed and last for weeks or months before the gland fully recovers.”
