Jumblatt: He named himself and we don’t need to go to Baabda


Major General: The president of the Progressive Socialist Party, former MP Walid Jumblatt, said: “From the observations that the constitutional norms have changed and now there is a mandate of its own.” He added: I told Saad Hariri that he is interested in appointing the prime minister.

He told “Al-Jadeed”: “The specifications are changing, and Hariri says he wants a government of specialists and not politicians.”

Jumblatt added: The French came to a dilemma because it seems that Hariri was against giving the money to the Shiites, and I called Hariri, and the call was unfriendly, but I didn’t tell him to give the money to the Shiites forever and ever. .

He indicated that Hezbollah and the Amal Movement would appoint figures with a political affiliation, adding: Hariri visited Aoun, and the latter could have told him that you want to see the good of Gibran.

Jumblatt refused to name Hariri, saying: He called himself, and there is no need for us to go to Baabda, and there may be a deal with Gibran and the duo, adding: I refused to receive the delegation of the Future Bloc because Walid Jumblatt is not treated like that.

On the attempt to cancel it, Jumblatt said: “I speak from a national perspective and I ask: Are the Ministries of Finance and the Interior banned from the Druze? We have received the Ministry of Health, have we failed in it? Do we have the right to name? My name is Bilal Abdullah, Minister of Health, or Walid Ammar, what is the problem? Is it because we are a minority?

Jumblatt said: “I was provoked on May 7, and there are those who incited me about it, and at that time, Mr. HSN-Nsr, may God address me with harsh words, confirming that Hezbollah is still strong.”

He believed that gasoline subsidies should be lifted and, at the same time, public transportation should be strengthened at the same time as cards for subsidized gasoline were secured, in the hope that Hezbollah would help the army and security forces to stop smuggling, as Syria cannot receive support at the expense of the Lebanese people.

In response to a question, he claimed that he had brought his money from abroad to Lebanon and not vice versa, and said: “I am not a member of any bank.

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