Jumblatt: “Will the Amal Movement respond to astronauts as ministers?”


Asma Lamnawar wrote on Monday, October 12, 2020 20:11 – 11 minutes ago

President of the Progressive Socialist Party Walid Jumblatt

President of the Progressive Socialist Party Walid Jumblatt

The president of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, considered that the constitutional norms have changed. According to the constitution, the blocks are named from Baabda and according to the votes are assigned to the president. Today there is a new custom and self-assignment.

He said in a televised interview: “Specifications change and former Prime Minister Saad Hariri says he wants a government of specialists without politicians, but we ask, is he not a politician?

He added: “I told President Emmanuel Macron, it is better for him to be a second person than Hariri, and at that time the name was Nawaf Salam, so Saad Hariri’s name could again provoke anger on the street.”


He revealed that at the Pine Palace meeting, Hezbollah had reservations about Macron’s word and his recommendations, and said they are not taking directives to allow Macron to return and making it clear that they are recommendations and not instructions.

He continued: “President Najib Mikati called Wael Abu Faour and informed us that the Druze will be represented by Abbas Al-Halabi as Minister of Education.” And he said, “O Sheikh Saad, you are a politician, do you want to answer to the angels of the ministers? And Amal, will they respond to the astronauts and ministers?

And he added: “I speak from a national point of view and ask why the Ministries of Finance and the Interior are forbidden to the Druze… When we receive health, do we fail in it? And the Ministry of Health has my name Bilal Abdullah or Walid Ammar, what is the problem? .


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