Saba’s sharp reply to my gardener … “they cannot be tempted”


In response to former Energy Minister Nada Al-Bustani, member of the founding body of the Lebanese Corruption Observatory, Charles Saba, wrote on his Facebook page: “They are begging the law and begging some judges in order to intimidate the people so they don’t tell the truth. “

He stressed that “theft is not hidden, and the smuggling of money in exchange for the seizure of people’s deposits is not hidden, hunger is not hidden and humiliation is not hidden.”

And he stressed that “we resist the incitement and intimidation of yesterday, today and tomorrow, emphasizing that if falsehood has a course, then age will continue in the rounds.”

Saba attached his comment to a document in which he said: “In the context of the controversy that takes place with former minister Nada Al-Bustani, I clarify some points related to the nature of my private work and what is happening on the subject that I raised in the media for some time:

First: I was involved almost five years ago in the establishment of the “Lebanese Observatory of Corruption”, which worked with a large group of experts and volunteers to monitor abuses occurring in the public sector. In fact, in recent years we were able to collect a large amount of information that we deposited in the public opinion, and with much of it we went to the Judiciary, and we are still waiting for the desired results to be achieved.

Second: After the trust we have gained over the years, the observatory has become a reference for anyone who has information related to transparency or a file of corruption in the Lebanese administration or evidence that they owe it a current or former official of the Lebanese state, and we receive and continue to receive dozens of information, some of which are known from the source and others are unknown out of fear. The owners are of legal prosecution or physical threat.

Third: During a television episode, and in the course of speaking about the corruption that occurs in the Ministry of Energy, I spoke, in a spontaneous and personal initiative and without coordination with anyone, about the information I received without going into details. However, the challenge to the television episode prompted me to reveal the information I possessed. From the minister in question to prove otherwise.

Fourth: From the moment of presenting the unfair demand to my right, it became evident through the statements of concerned officials on social networks the great pressure exerted by the political authority, led by the powerful Al-Ahd Party, on Power Judicial and the fort against the Lebanese, demanding and confirming my arbitrary detention immediately after the investigation session.

And he added: I put these data in the drawing of Lebanese public opinion, just before the first anniversary of the October 17 Revolution, that revolution that broke taboos and silenced the corrupt, negligent and arrogant.

Saba concluded: “They will soon see me in court, and I still have many surprises waiting for the corrupt, hoping that we will have a court free of political interference to build the foundations of a new Lebanon.”

Former minister Nada Boustany indicated in an interview with “OTV” that “for the second time, the Falangist official, Charles Saba, was absent before the Judiciary and did not present any document.” Forger”.

She said: “I will continue with the matter in court because Saba spoke in two television episodes about documents, but did not present them in court.”

And he considered that “the political accusations are a loss for everyone, and what the Falanges Party has done in spreading rumors and falsifying documents is the ugliest, especially in front of the international community.”
