Health Minister chairs scientific committee meeting: take closure decisions seriously and we can still reduce the number of injuries


The Minister of Public Health of the interim government, Dr. Hamad Hassan, presented the data that accompanied the partial closure of some regions, requesting that closure decisions be made with a high level of gravity, highlighting that the decision to close vital areas and Large cities can be a positive factor in limiting the spread of infection.

Minister Hassan’s words came during his presidency of the scientific committee meeting at the Ministry of Public Health this morning, in the presence of the committee chair, Dr. Nadine Yared, Dr. Wafaa Jarij, Advisor to the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Muhammad Haidar, Head of the Department of Health Education of the Ministry of Public Health Dr. Rasha Hamra and Director of the Electronic Health Program Lina Abu Murad The representative of the World Health Organization in Lebanon, Dr. Iman Al- Shanqeeti, the head of the epidemiological surveillance program of the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Nada Ghosn, and medical specialists Abdel-Rahman Al-Bizri, Joseph Rushkidi and Nada Melhem also participated remotely.

Health Minister
Minister Hassan made a statement in which he stated that “the decisions issued by the interim government are integrated and coordinated between the relevant ministries: public health, interior and municipalities, education and higher education. He is not lost at all. He noted that “decisions become more effective when society trusts that what is being done is in its interest despite the harshness of some procedures,” calling for “building on positive cooperation to achieve the desired results of the closure.”

The Health Minister stated that “the closure reference and the definition of the closure areas in the Ministry of the Interior, after the Ministry of Health gives it the numbers it has. If there is a material or mathematical error, it is the duty of the municipalities to forward the number of residents within their municipal term to the Ministry of the Interior so that the calculation of the injuries is accurate so that the number of injuries is approved according to the place of residence of the injured and not the place of his registration.

And he called for “looking forward to what is happening in the countries of the world, since most countries intend to gradually open the country, taking into account the absorption capacity of the health system of each country, so that they are absorbed affected cases and prevent the high number of deaths “.

Minister Hassan noted that “the decision to close vital areas can be a positive factor in limiting the spread of the infection, and it is not enough to close small towns and villages with the exception of large cities with vital public administrations and facilities, because even now there has been no decrease in the injury rate, either nationally or nationally. The accumulated in each town and village ”, indicating at the same time that it waits a bit to issue a final assessment, hoping that the epidemiological surveillance team will report in the coming days the number of infections in cities, towns and villages, and their origin if it’s possible. In this context, he called on citizens to download the “Ma’an” application because it helps to identify people’s contacts with Corona.

He highlighted the need to “take closure decisions taken with a high level of seriousness,” noting that “there is a discrepancy in the commitment that ranges from 70 percent as the best estimate, and less than 50 percent in some areas.”

He declared that “the prevalence rate of the epidemic ranged between nine and ten percent”, and said: “We live in the Spanish and Italian scenario in terms of the percentage of infections, but we did not reach this scenario in the mortality rate “. This means that we have not yet reached the line of no return, since we can still reduce the number of injured to less than a thousand while the number of deaths is low “, highlighting that” the effort made by the Ministry of Public Health in the surveillance, monitoring and early diagnosis of cases is true of the high number of diseases. Of the deaths, and this is a special thanks to the scientific committee that accompanies the field teams.

Minister Hassan, representing the Scientific Committee, sent a message to all the media “to keep up with the efforts of the Ministry of Public Health, similar to what it did at the beginning of the epidemic.” He said: “People may be tired and no longer have the capacity, patience and will to cope, but Lebanon, despite the risks and thousands of recorded injuries, is still better than other countries. We are working conscientiously, wisdom and caution “. Without herd immunity, we don’t touch or get close at all. He concluded by stating that “protecting society is everyone’s responsibility.”
