Lebanon ranks 63rd in the world in terms of injuries … Crown closes 169 countries


Al-Akhbar wrote: The deadline for closing 119 villages that had been “closed” nine days ago was assumed to have ended due to the high rate of coronavirus cases in them, compared to the number of their residents. However, the deterioration of the epidemiological situation led the Ministry of the Interior, yesterday, to issue a decision to proceed with the closure of some of them, with another addition. The closure decision, which will be implemented this morning until next Monday, included 169 locations where injuries increased “in a way that exceeds allowed scientific levels.”

The wording included in the decision was notable in terms of the need to adhere to the measures and procedures, either in terms of commitment to closure or in terms of adopting “general” preventive measures. In its third article, the decision highlighted the complete closure “until further notice and without exceptions” of all bars, cabarets and nightclubs, while reviving decisions to select passengers in private and public cars and to prohibit curfews from one after midnight until six in the morning, in addition to stressing the obligation to gag and other preventive measures.

Meanwhile, injuries continued to increase and the Ministry of Public Health announced last night that 1,010 injuries were recorded from residents of 10,069 laboratory tests (a lower rate than the prevailing during the past week due to the intensification of Ministry teams Department for field surveys during the closing period).

The Ministry also announced the death of 4 people, bringing the total number of victims to 459. As for the most outstanding translation of the worrying reality, it is the growing need for beds with the increase in the number of injured whose condition requires hospitalization, as well as increasing pressure on respirators and other required supplies..

According to the latest figures released last night by the Health Ministry, some 620 wounded are hospitalized, 179 of them in critical condition. With the total number of injured in Lebanon exceeding 53,000 and the current total number of injured at 29,608, Lebanon is ranked 63rd in the world in terms of injuries.

Source: News
