People infected with Coronavirus hide their places of isolation and mix with people naturally, and the municipality with the crisis cell brandishes the prison! Here are the details


The crisis cell in the “Al-Bireh municipality” noted in a statement that “information has been circulated to the cell, that there are people infected by the Corona virus who are not permanent residents, who spend their quarantine period in their homes of summer, without the cell and the municipality or the competent references that informed them of contagion “. By changing the location of your quarantine, it is recorded in the documents of the Ministry of Health. “

The statement said that “the results announced by the cell and the municipality, either we carry them out under our supervision and report their results directly to the inspection authority, or they come to us through the office of the governor of Akkar Imad al-Labaki or from the Akkar Medical Center, who provide us with the injured person’s name and phone number, and we are notified of the injured who took Al-Bireh to a location. To quarantine them through the Ministry of Health in a sequence, and therefore we do what we must with them and announce that successively.As for those who have not been informed of their injury or quarantine within the village, and whose names inform us through citizens, if they are confirmed infected and do not comply with the necessary instructions, the municipality and the cell phone announce that they are You will adopt dissuasive measures against them, regardless of who they are, that lead to the notification of their right to the judiciary by the crime of endangering people’s lives in accordance with article 604, notification equivalent to 6 months in prison.

The cell asked “those infected with the virus to inform us immediately about their status and we are ready to cooperate with them in the way that suits them best and preserve their safety, especially if they are embarrassed to announce the infection.” “Immediately to make sure they are infected, the problem is urgent and dangerous, and their silence about the disease will inevitably lead to the spread of the infection.”
