How long does the Corona virus live on human skin?


New scientific research has indicated that the Corona virus can live on human skin for a period of more than 4 times the length of time that the virus that causes influenza lives, demonstrating the importance of frequent hand washing to combat the emerging virus.

The research was conducted using skin samples taken from people one day after their death.

Researchers from the Japanese “Kyoto Perfexual” University School of Medicine said that human skin gives more accurate readings because it undergoes “slower deterioration after death compared to other organs.”

The researchers noted that the emerging virus lives on the skin for 9 hours, compared to only about two hours for the virus that causes influenza.

And if there are mucous materials on the skin, the emerging virus can live for 11 hours, according to a study recently published in the Oxford Academic.

What the researchers also noticed was that disinfectants containing 80% alcohol killed the virus in 15 seconds.

However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that 60% alcohol is enough to kill the virus, but your recommended first option to kill the virus is to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

On Thursday, the World Health Organization recorded more than 307,000 new cases of coronavirus, the highest daily number the world has seen since the outbreak of the pandemic.

He stated that the source of the large increase is India, the United States and Brazil, where India recorded 94,372 new cases, followed by the United States with 45,523 and Brazil with 43,718.

Both India and the United States have reported more than 1,000 deaths and Brazil has reported 874 deaths.

Injuries continue to rise in 58 countries around the world, led by India, while the number of cases in the United States and Brazil is trending downward.

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