A disturbing study on the crown cure


It seems that curing the emerging corona virus does not necessarily mean surviving it completely. Medical studies have talked about the “long-term” phenomenon, which means the presence of long-term complications for people who have recovered from the “Covid-19” disease, and the symptoms continued.

A new report issued by the Israeli Center for “Knowledge and Information” revealed that the symptoms of the new phenomenon affect people who contracted the disease for the first time and had mild symptoms, or were young and in good health, as published by the “Jerusalem Post” newspaper.

The report indicated that these persistent symptoms can widely affect the nervous system, heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, as well as mental health, considering that the Corona virus is similar with its permanent complications to other viruses such as acute respiratory syndrome. severe disease (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome.

He explained that about 80 percent of the recovered patients reported persistent and severe stress after their recovery, and some also suffered from headaches, sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, weakness in the sense of taste and smell. , noting that these symptoms can last several months for 5 Percentage of patients recovered.

Half of patients who recover also suffer from cardiovascular symptoms after their recovery, such as arrhythmias, heart muscle infections of varying degrees of severity, even in people with no history of heart disease, according to the report.

The report found that persistent mental health problems were another result of the virus, such as depression and anxiety, and a number of other problems were also reported after recovery, including skin rashes, hair loss, abdominal pain, joint weakness and muscle, hearing impairment, tinnitus, and constant diarrhea.

He explained that there is global monitoring for long-term complications of the virus, especially by the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control in the United States and the Health Services Authority of Great Britain.

In this context, a report by a group of experts from the University of Oxford came with some guarantees, since it was mentioned that a “small minority” of people who had contracted “Covid-19” were still ill after six months.

And Professor Trisha Greenhagh said that most people whose condition is delayed will improve, but slowly (between 3 weeks and 3 months), according to the British newspaper “The Telegraph.”

In turn, the National Institute for Health and Quality of Care (NICE) and the Royal College of General Physicians are developing guidelines on the status of general practitioners and other health professionals, with information on the long-term complications of the illness.

The head of clinical policy at the Royal College of Physicians of Practitioners, Jill Olsop, said the process will include the development of a definition of what “long Covid” in fact is, and stressed that there is no definitive information on the duration of the disease. “six months, 10 years or life”. Patients improve in 12 weeks.

Dr. David Strin, an honorary advisor at the University of Exeter School of Medicine, is compiling a study of 2,500 people to investigate the new phenomenon of the disease.

And Streen pointed out, in an interview with the British newspaper, that “the medical term that we usually use for these consequences, or long-term cases, is chronic Covid”, emphasizing that these symptoms can be rare.

Professor Francis Williams of Kings College London, who is evaluating the data, revealed that young people are less likely to experience prolonged COVID-19 than women, who have symptoms for four more weeks.
