Jordan deploys army to impose coronavirus restrictions


Amman: Muhammad Khair Rawashdeh – London: “Asharq Al-Awsat”

The Jordanian government is preparing to implement a comprehensive ban in the country, from dawn tomorrow (Friday) until Sunday morning, as part of its attempts to control the sharp increase in the number of coronavirus infections and the spread of hot spots of the disease in various regions and governorates of the Kingdom. At the same time, the army forces began to deploy yesterday morning in the governorates and regions of the Kingdom, to ensure the implementation of the general curfew.

Yesterday, health authorities announced the registration of 1,199 new “Covid-19” virus cases in Jordan, bringing the total number of cases since the start of the pandemic to 20,200. In addition, 9 new deaths from the virus were recorded during the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of deaths to 131 deaths.

In a related context, the “Covid-19” virus continued its rapid spread in European countries yesterday, amid new restrictions to limit the repercussions of the new wave.

In Britain, 14,000 new cases of “Covid-19” were announced yesterday, a figure that has tripled compared to two weeks ago.

In Belgium, the government announced measures to tighten restrictions at the national level, while the local government in the capital Brussels adopted stricter restrictions than those applied throughout the country. Starting tomorrow night, the cafes and bars in and around Brussels will be closed for a whole month.

In France, the Paris metropolitan region saw an increase in the transfer of people infected by the virus to the intensive care rooms of hospitals, despite the initiation of strict restrictions to stop the spread of the epidemic.

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