Assange’s fate is on hold until next year: Empire’s crime never ends


During the last weeks, the trial sessions of Julian Assange were held at the Old Bailey Criminal Court in London, ending with the setting of January 4 as the date for the decision to extradite the founder of “WikiLeaks” to the United States. United, where he faces, under the law “American Espionage”, 18 charges, in the context of the website of the organization that publishes hundreds of thousands of secret documents exposing American and military “diplomatic” activities. Once again, The trial showed that the crime continues to occur by the British and American governments, and their intelligence agencies, after the revelation of successively revealed evidence, to account for part of the ongoing violations of Assange’s law.

In a unique way, the United States enforced the law in proportion to its case against Julian Assange. Under the 2003 British-American extradition treaty, the US prosecutor filed a request to compel the UK to extradite the founder of “WikiLeaks”, despite the fact that article 4 of the aforementioned treaty states that “extradition is not permissible if the crime for which the extradition is requested is a political crime. ” “The agility of the American hand reflected the contradiction in Washington’s claims to implement the” espionage law “against Assange, an Australian, while depriving him of the protection of another law, which is the first amendment to the constitution to be It is supposed to guarantee the “right to freedom of expression”.
Since the US Army Counterintelligence Center began, in 2008, to “destroy or destroy the center of gravity” (referring to “WikiLeaks”), all US agencies have mobilized for the same purpose. With the adhesion of the “Pentagon”, the CIA, the “National Security Agency” and the State Department, to the leadership of the center, special working groups were formed to overthrow “WikiLeaks” and its founder. The first operation against Assange dates back to September 2010, when his belongings, including three laptops and hard drives, disappeared from the plane that was taking him from Sweden to Germany, to be followed by another in 2011. At that time, agents approached of the “FBI” The FBI, to Iceland to recruit an informant named Segodor Thordarsson, to spy on WikiLeaks. Wherever Assange went, surveillance intensified, leading to his asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in Britain (June 2012) to avoid extraditing him to Sweden, where he would face sexual assault charges against two women, which turned out to be fabricated (were officially withdrawn by Stockholm early last year). At the time, the national security agencies of the United States and Great Britain were tracking people who entered the “WikiLeaks” site, so the financial institutions of the United States tried to financially paralyze the site by prohibiting donors from using credit cards. credit to support the organization. The culmination of the extremist measures against Assange came with the arrival of Lenin Moreno, succeeding Rafael Correa, to the presidency in Ecuador in 2017.

A complex process has been launched to monitor Assange that will accelerate with Trump’s inauguration in early 2017.

Fed up with the “heavy guest”, the man hired a Spanish private security firm, UC Global, to spy on him and get rid of him if possible (plans to poison Assange or kidnap him from the embassy were discussed between intelligence officials from United States States and the security company). At the embassy, ​​where he remained seven years before his surrender in April 2019, and his arrest in Belmarsh Prison for serious security cases, cameras equipped with microphones were installed and live broadcast “for our friends in the United States.” they can get to the embassy whenever they want, according to the founder. UC Global Director David Morales. This is part of what two former employees of the company recounted in their testimony in court last week. One of them explained that attending a fair for the security sector in Las Vegas, where he got a contract with the Las Vegas Sands company, owned by the American billionaire Sheldon Adelson, a supporter of Donald Trump (at that time he was a presidential candidate), All changed. Morales returned to the company’s offices in Jerez, in southern Spain, to announce that “(we will play) in the big leagues,” with UC Global turning to the “dark side,” according to the witness who confirmed that a complex process to monitor Assange, which will accelerate with the inauguration. Trump will take office in early 2017, when Morales’ trips to the United States will be repeated.
The context confirms the impossibility of Assange obtaining a fair trial; As of 2017, the husband of the first judge in charge of the Assange case, Emma Arbuthnot, and her son were also found to have ties to people whose names were mentioned in the context of criminal cases published by “WikiLeaks.” When the Arbuthnot family’s ties to Britain’s intelligence and defense industries became known, she withdrew from the case, but remains the chief investigating judge in Westminster, meaning she oversees lower-ranking judges. One of them, Vanessa Barritzer, who presided over Assange’s trial and concluded after nearly four weeks of hearings in the Old Bailey criminal court, postponing the transfer decision until after the US presidential election on the 3rd of next month, after Assange’s attorney, Edward Fitzgerald, that his client’s transfer was politically motivated during the Trump era.
The deterioration of Assange’s psychological and health condition was enough to prevent his extradition to Washington; Several psychiatrists, most recently King’s College Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, Michael Copelman, have confirmed that he is suicidal. In his court testimony, Kopelman spoke of “acute depression” and “symptoms of psychosis,” including the auditory hallucinations that appeared on Assange in his maximum security cell in Belmarsh prison. In the background of this is a long family history with suicide, which opens the possibility that a person who “intentionally, for several years, has been subjected to various and severe forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment, whose accumulated effects only they can be classified as psychological torture ”, as he described. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, Niels Melzer.

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