IMLe Lebanon | Students face Corona


Omar Al-Rassi wrote in “Akhbar Al-Youm”:

The start of the school year amid great confusion and countless challenges. On the one hand, the outbreak of the Crown epidemic prompted the adoption of distance education and, on the other, the serious economic crisis afflicting Lebanon and the Lebanese prevented the provision of technological means that would allow the success of the experiment of “ long distance education”. “Where there is no adequate electricity or internet … On top of that, parents do not have the financial possibility to buy the electronic devices necessary to follow the lessons!

Faced with this reality, the Parliamentary Education Commission went online, to fix the educational situation at least on a physical level, and recommended that the bill presented by the resigned government, which consists of transferring 500 billion pounds (350 billion pounds to private schools and 150 billion to official schools), is put on the agenda of the parliamentary committees. The whole … What will be the fate of this recommendation, and will it see the light before the end of the school year, allowing students to benefit from it as soon as possible?

A member of the Education Committee, Representative Edkar Trabelsi, indicated that the school year to start naturally does not need laws, but decisions that are included in the executive or procedural framework. Here, the Minister of Education in the interim government, Tareq Al-Majzoub, made the decision to open schools on September 28 and then it was gradually postponed to October 12. Noting that this postponement occurred based on the decision of the “Crown Committee” issued by the government and the recommendations of the Minister of Health.

As for the education committee, Traboulsi said in an interview with the “Akhbar Al-Youm” agency, that the committee held a meeting yesterday in which the Minister of Education and Health Hamad Hassan, the head of the Doctors’ Union, Sharaf, participated. Abu Sharaf, the representative of the World Health Organization and representatives of several private educational institutions, in addition to the member deputies. The objective was to discuss all the decisions that accompany the school year related to prevention and spacing, shortening the classes and diversifying them and dividing the students’ time between school attendance and distance education … Here the decision was left to the principal of each school to decide the most appropriate within their institution.

Trabelsi indicated that what Lebanon faces at this level confronts all countries in the world, as there is no definitive solution, asking: if a Corona case is registered in a school, what action is supposed to be taken: close school or closing a classroom, and if you are injured. the teacher. He repeated: This is a great dilemma, to which no country has managed to find a solution.

In response to a question, Traboulsi explained that it was agreed to confront the Corona epidemic with prevention, since we cannot remain locked in, knowing that not all students adhere to a full home quarantine, but that the infection can be spread outside of schools , saying that psychologists and doctors advise to gather students. At school, it is less dangerous than outside.

On the standard of living, Traboulsi pointed out that the economic difficulties suffered by the Lebanese are negatively reflected in the ability to secure computers or tablets for all students, since parents do not have the possibility to buy this equipment and, at the same time, the state did not provide any assistance at this level and we did not receive any. To date, the service did not provide students with free Internet access, a gift, which indicates that there is talk of a package offered by Internet companies at a cheaper price for students.

Legislatively, Traboulsi did not find the situation to be better, noting that the government some time ago (before resigning) referred a bill to the Education Committee of Parliament that allocates 500 billion Lebanese pounds to public and private schools, to helping parents pay for school fees, providing teacher salaries, and not securing profits for owners. These institutions. He said: At that time, when the discussion in the commission on this project began, he asked the Ministry of Education to establish a mechanism for the distribution of scholarships, and this is what happened.

Deputy Traboulsi added: It is surprising that this project was overthrown in the joint committees under the title “ With the resignation of the government, your projects will fall ”, knowing that this matter is illegal and unconstitutional, in favor of the proposal of Deputy Bahia Hariri to deduct 300 billion Lebanese pounds from another law granting 1.2 billion allocations. Support small artisans, farmers, industrialists and the poorest families.

Traboulsi added: The General Assembly, in turn, did not approve the proposal of Deputy Bahia Hariri after the objection of the ministers concerned and a large number of deputies who did not agree to deduct money to support education at the expense of the aid approved by another law.

Trabelsi explained that, based on the above, they are discussing to return the project of “500 billion pounds” to the joint committees for approval in the first legislative session on the 20th of this month.
