The American Centers confirm it: Corona can be transmitted by air!


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officially announced that the emerging corona virus can be transmitted through the air, in a position consistent with the opinions of many scientists who have been calling for months to take this possibility. more seriously.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated their health recommendations posted on their website as follows: “Some types of infections can be transmitted in tiny droplets and particles that can float in the air for minutes. or hours. These viruses can infect people who are at a distance. About two meters from the injured, or after leaving. “

Airborne diseases other than Covid-19 include measles, smallpox, and tuberculosis.

Experts from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consider that the main method of transmission is respiratory droplets of various sizes that the patient disperses by sneezing, coughing, singing, talking and breathing.

But the update that comes ten months after the start of the pandemic confirms the validity of studies that show that the Corona virus, although it is the least contagious than measles, can transmit more than two meters, a hypothesis that was excluded by the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization when the SARS virus – COF-2 appeared.

The centers emphasize the importance of indoor ventilation to avoid infections and, on the other hand, do not consider the transmission of infection “through surfaces contaminated with the virus, a common method for the spread of Covid-19.”

Regarding the recommendations of this authority, the precautions to be taken have not been modified: physical distancing, use of masks, washing hands, avoiding congested closed spaces and isolating the sick.

A group of American scientists were pushing to update official health recommendations, which were based on an outdated distinction between drops and sprays that dates back to the 1930s.

On Monday, experts from the universities of California, Maryland, Virginia Tech and others wrote in a joint letter that “viruses in aerosols can float in the air for seconds and hours, like smoke, and can be inhaled.”

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