Feeling better than 20 years ago … Trump leaves hospital tonight, addresses Americans: Don’t be afraid of Corona


The president of the United States, Donald Trump, who was infected days ago with the coronavirus, announced that he is well, and will leave the hospital later on Monday, although his doctors have confirmed that he has not yet recovered from the disease, while more HIV infections have been reported among White House staff.

Trump, 74, wrote on Twitter: “I will be leaving the wonderful (Walter Reed) Medical Center today at 18:30 (22:30 GMT) … I really feel good. Don’t be afraid of Corona … No let it control your life. “

He said in the same tweet that he feels “better than 20 years ago.”

Despite Trump’s claim that he is fine, the medical team that supervised his treatment, which allowed him to leave the hospital to return to his residence at the White House, made it clear that he was not out of danger, and expressed concern. for the possible deterioration of their health, indicating that for this reason. It will continue to monitor your health and will try to allow you to perform your functions from home to ensure safe health conditions.

The team said the president needs 10 days to recover, explaining that he does not suffer from the side effects of the drugs he took on his nervous system, and that he was suffering from dehydration and recovered from it.

He also said that for the past three days he did not need fever-reducing medications, explaining that he had a mild cough, but did not suffer from muscle aches.

Earlier today, Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, said Trump’s health is continuously improving and spoke of “astonishing progress” toward his recovery from the disease, expressing optimism that the president will leave today. “Walter Reed” military hospital, to which he was transferred on Friday night. Hours after testing positive for coronavirus.

Speaking to Fox News, Meadows added that Trump is ready to return to his normal hours at the White House, given his better health.

Trump had several mild or moderate symptoms derived from the Coronavirus infection, which were fever, cough and nasal congestion, and shortly after his transfer to the hospital last Friday he suffered two episodes of lack of oxygen in his blood, which required supplying him extra oxygen, but his doctor confirmed he was not in distress. Breathing.

Since his hospitalization, the US President has received several treatments for the Corona virus, including the antiviral drug Remdisfer over a 5-day treatment period, in addition to the drug Dexamethasone, which is from the steroid family, and used to treat critical patients with Corona.

Even if you are allowed to leave the hospital, you will need to continue treatment because you are still taking remdesivir, and the usual quarantine period for everyone who becomes ill is 14 days.

Earlier, the chief epidemiologist in the United States, Anthony Fauci, defended the White House medical team, accused of not providing transparent information about the president’s state of health.

President’s Messages
Since Friday, the president has spoken in video messages to reassure his concerned supporters a month before the presidential elections, stressing that he is doing well, and yesterday he got off in an all-terrain vehicle on a short trip to greet his supporters outside the hospital, sparking criticism against him.

White House spokesman Judd Deer said the medical team overseeing the president’s treatment approved his release to salute his supporters, adding that appropriate precautions were taken during Trump’s move in his presidential caravan to protect the president and his entourage.

Meanwhile, Trump urged his supporters, in a series of short tweets, to vote for him in the election, listing what he considered his achievements, which were the prosperity of markets, the force that American forces have become. and the imposition of law and order.

New injuries
Meanwhile, Kylie McKinani, a White House spokeswoman, announced that she was infected with the Coronavirus, and McKinani was holding press conferences without adhering to health protocols, with the US media reporting that her aid had been infected with the virus. Crown.

As for Vice President Mike Pence, today tests showed that he and his wife were not infected with the coronavirus, according to a White House official.

As for Melania, wife of the president of the United States, who also caught the virus, confirmed today on Twitter that she will continue to rest in the White House, and had previously announced that she was fine.

Presidential debate
As doctors discussed the possibility of the president leaving the hospital, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said today that he is ready to participate in the debate scheduled for next week with Trump, if health experts say it will be safe.

And a poll released yesterday by “Reuters / Ipsos” showed that Biden is 10 percentage points ahead of Trump nationally.

About 65% of Americans said that Trump would not have contracted the disease if he had taken the virus seriously.

Trump has repeatedly criticized social distancing guidelines aimed at slowing the spread of the virus.

Trump is being criticized for his statement that he met with soldiers and doctors at the hospital, actions that are likely to expose more people to the virus, in addition to his trip from Walter Reed Military Hospital yesterday.
