The former deputy governor of the Banque du Liban, Muhammad Baasiri, told Al-Jadeed that I am not a candidate for any government position and I do not intend to head the government.
He added: I don’t know if my name was put forward to head the government, and I agree to be in any position to serve Lebanon.
He said: In my personal recognition, there is no government at present, and there are conditions for the success of the government and its success in its components, and the important thing is that there is an agreement among the Lebanese to get out of the deep crisis that we are going through, considering that whatever government is formed should be their priority to restore the confidence of the Lebanese community and the Arab world.
He added: “Hezbollah rejected my return to the Banque du Liban and vetoed me as an” American deposit “, and there are other people who were not welcome to return, including Basil and Diab.
He pointed out that the banking sector in Lebanon is a natural extension of the American banking sector, considering that our economy is “dollarized” and it is necessary to have the best relations with the American side, and as deputy governor of the Banque du Liban, my role was to facilitate these relationships.
In response to a question about the nature of his relationship with Hezbollah, he said with Asiri: I have no relationship with Hezbollah, and I do not seek to approach or communicate with him or any other party, I am a professional person and I have friends from all backgrounds politicians.
He added: “My meeting with President Berri was to talk about the Camel Bank and 95% of the deposits that were in this bank were paid checks.”
Regarding his meeting with the Saudi Ambassador, Walid Al-Bukhari, he said: He called me over a month ago and wanted to meet me. A week later a meeting was held in the presence of the Governor of the Banque du Liban. The subject should not be given more importance than its size.
He added: Prime Minister Saad Hariri is a friend and it is natural for me to visit him. Prime Minister Siniora is someone I respect and it cannot be said that my relationship with him is not good.
Baasiri said: “We have gold reserves of almost 10 million ounces, or about $ 18 billion, so why not draw on this reserve for the reconstruction of Beirut?” He revealed that all the names that are circulating as threatened by the US sanctions are a matter of imagination and have absolutely no reality, since the sanctions are not known to anyone in advance and I only know about an hour before they were imposed. Baasiri believed that Hizbullah is a basic component of the Lebanese people, but I, as a Lebanese, should fully exercise Lebanese sovereignty, especially with regard to weapons, which must be confined in the hands of the Lebanese army, and the decision of peace and war must be of the state. He pointed out that the prosperity of Lebanon occurs when it becomes immune to conflicts in the region, and must be in the best relations with the Arab countries, especially the Gulf and the Western world.
Baasiri revealed that after two or three months there will be no support, and I am not in favor of the current subsidy policy, because any subsidized material is subject to smuggling and the suspension of support will start gradually in fuel. He called for a real study of the Lebanese people who are below the poverty line and that they be assigned cards. He believed that correcting wages does not solve the problem, rather it exacerbates it, and solving the problem is a political solution. He said: If a government is not formed, there will be a problem and the depositors’ money will be in danger.
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