The state of Trump’s health … The statements of the White House chief of staff did not like the president


The last hours in which the President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced that he was infected with the Corona virus, saw contradictory statements from the White House about his health, while his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, shortened his tour of Asia.

In a video recorded from his headquarters at the Walter Reed Military Hospital, Trump defended his lack of commitment to precautionary measures, and stressed that the next few days will be the real test to face the disease.

The US president said that he had no choice but to expose himself to the risk of contracting the Coronavirus, and indicated in the recording that he wanted to face the danger because facing problems is one of the characteristics of great leaders, as he expressed.

The president of the United States also said that he went to the hospital tired after his infection with Corona, but his health has now improved, and confirmed his intention to return soon and complete his election campaign, and that work is being done to restore him to his health condition.

Contradictory statements

For his part, Sean Conley, the doctor overseeing the president’s treatment, said the medical team is satisfied with his health and cautiously optimistic, and that the next few days will be crucial in determining his condition.

The medical team confirmed – in a statement – that Trump completed a second dose of the drug “Remdesivir” last night, indicating that he still does not have a fever, but has not completely overcome health problems from the virus, and that he does not need additional oxygen. They didn’t put a respirator on him.

But the US media previously quoted White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who seemed less optimistic, as saying the next 48 hours will be crucial to Trump’s status.

But he made it clear that the president is moving to the hospital and is not bedridden, and asks for documents to review, and that he met with him on several occasions on Saturday.

Meadows, who made his first remarks on condition of anonymity, changed his tune hours later, telling Reuters that Trump was “fine” and that doctors were very happy with his vital signs.

Meadows did not explain the reason for the contradiction in its comments. A Trump adviser, who asked not to be named, said the president did not like Meadows’ first comments, according to Reuters.

On Saturday, a source familiar with Trump’s situation confirmed that his condition had been “extremely worrying” over the past 24 hours, adding that the next 48 hours would be crucial.

The “Associated Press” agency quoted the source – who requested anonymity – that the president was placed on an oxygen machine at the White House on Friday before being transferred to the hospital, and said the president’s condition was “very worrying. “, but he’s getting better since he was admitted to the hospital.

In the same context, an informed source told Reuters that Trump “is not yet on a clear path to recovering from his infection with the virus,” adding that some of the president’s vital signs over the past 24 hours “were very worrisome “and that the next 48 hours will be crucial in terms of Treat it.

The French Press Agency quoted an informed source as saying that “the vital functions of the president during the last 24 hours are extremely worrying and the next 48 hours will be one minute in terms of his attention. We have not yet reached a clear path to a recovery. complete “.

Trump supporters in front of the military hospital for their support (Anatolia)

Direct access to the Asian tour

In this context, the US State Department said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will travel to Japan later on Sunday, but will not visit Mongolia and South Korea, according to his original visit schedule, after President Trump left. spread the Corona virus and was hospitalized.

Pompeo was originally scheduled to visit the three countries between October 4-8, and the minister will travel to Japan today and return on October 6.

Given these events, the majority leader in the United States Senate, Mitch McConnell, announced -in a statement- the postponement of the return of Congress to the general meeting until after October 19, after having previously announced that the return It would be Monday tomorrow.

McConnell said the important work of the committees can continue at the discretion of each committee, adding that the judicial committee that will consider the appointment of Justice Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court will begin its sessions on October 12, as previously announced. by the Chairperson of the Judiciary Committee, Senator Lindsey Graham.

And the Trump presidential campaign announced the postponement of all election rallies in which the president was scheduled to participate until further notice.

Several supporters of the president of the United States gathered outside the hospital to express their support.
