The Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, affirmed that “the greatest betrayal at the beginning is what happened with the issue of Palestine and Jerusalem, since it is the criterion to measure belonging in the correct position, since Palestine and Jerusalem are not a piece of land, they are a piece of heaven “.
Berri said: “When the Arabs lost their way, the road to Palestine would be scattered and fragmented. If the rulers have their needs, then the peoples have their priorities that must not change, and it is the priority of Palestine.”
Berri pointed out that “Lebanon is in a troubled environment with dangerous repercussions in the region of Iraq, Syria and Yemen, which are sister countries that are still in danger of division, so what is required before this danger is patience and not surrender. This danger is not a capacity of this nation, and Lebanon is the most affected country in the Arab world. ” Of reconciliation with the Israeli enemy “.
On the framework agreement on the issue of demarcation of the land and maritime borders between Lebanon and occupied Palestine, the President of the Council said: “It is a necessary step, but not sufficient. It must accompany the formation of a government as soon as possible. , a government capable of saving the country from its crises and of implementing what is stated in the declaration. The framework agreement in its entirety, so the framework agreement is an agreement to draw the limits, nothing more, nothing less (and enough sale of water in Al-Saqayen Alley).
On the governmental issue, Berri renewed “the affirmation of adherence to all the components of the French initiative, noting that the main challenge now is to reach an agreement on the name of the prime minister, and the rest of the issues and steps are easy to agree on. under the roof of this initiative. “
Regarding fears about the danger of the awakening of terrorism, Berri said: “Yes, ISIS is a project that has not ended, not in Syria, not in Iraq, not even in Lebanon.”
On the Iraqi issue, Berri highlighted the “guarantee represented by His Eminence, Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani, to protect the unity of Iraq.”
The Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, had received former MP Nasser Qandil in the Second Presidency in Ein al-Tina, where the general situation and the latest political developments were presented. After the meeting, Qandil said: “We came to congratulate President Nabih Berri for this great national achievement that he achieved after long patience. The suffering and the firmness of the national constants and rights, since the culmination of the framework agreement to demarcate the borders is much greater than many may think, and is undoubtedly, as the days will show, a turning point in the life of the Lebanese and in the rebirth of their economy and society, and it is an opportunity for them towards greater cohesion and adherence to their national unity in this Arab era. Those who go to normalization and in this Lebanese era that falls and staggers under the blows of weakness, historical leadership figures seem to compensate for the weakness of the countries and achieve achievements. “
He concluded: “We urge the president, who certainly has all the concern that the Lebanese state of weakness will continue and all the confidence in the ability to overcome this ordeal, and we hope that we will have in a reasonable period a national government that can assume responsibilities because the framework agreement needs a government that can address an issue. Fatalist with sovereign wealth and responsibility, which we fear will be lost in chaos if we are left without a government. “
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