“The New York Times”: Trump’s infection with Corona caused the reversal of the presidential race in an instant


To extend / Washington: US media considered that the contagion of the US president, the presidential candidate, Donald Trump, with the new Corona virus, led to the reversal of the presidential race at a time that opened an exceptional confrontation between Republicans and Democrats in various scenarios.

Newspaper “Daily mailThe American published an extensive report in the “New York Timer” newspaper, until President Donald Trump’s announcement of his infection with the Corona virus caused the reversal of the presidential race in an instant, which raised important questions about his arrogant attitude. towards the epidemic and the future of his campaign just 32 days before the elections.

Trump had already lagged behind Joe Biden in opinion polls, in part due to his mishandling of the virus that has plagued voters’ daily lives for more than six months.

Compounding her difficulties by ignoring and sometimes underestimating basic precautions, like wearing a mask, that her health advisers have been urging Americans to take to protect themselves. It has repeatedly urged states, schools, businesses, and even sports teams to get back to normal.

As stock futures tumbled on Friday night, bipartisan strategists and even Trump’s top aides said the president would face harsh judgment from voters to push the country into greater uncertainty after one of the most difficult years in American history.

“It’s hard to imagine that this doesn’t end his re-election hopes,” said Republican adviser Rob Stutzman, referring to “Trump’s mockery of the obvious precautions.”

Some Republicans looking to the upside have expressed hope that the Trump case will lead him to withhold inflammatory rhetoric that alienated many voters and made the election less than a referendum on his behavior.

“Peace and quiet help him,” said Alex Castellanos, a veteran Republican strategist. “It is the element of polarization, not the direction in which the country would like to go.”

History may indicate that Trump is unlikely to silence his voice, as Castellanos has indicated with a warning: “unless he tweets more.”

Even if Trump has fully recovered from his impeachment, millions of Americans are already voting now, by mail or by early voting in person.

After a year that began with Trump’s impeachment and included a pandemic, economic collapse, racial justice protests and urban riots, as well as the death of Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg last month, this October surprise too it may lead voters to seek respite from the turmoil.

Despite all the drama it presented in 2020, the presidential race has been largely immune to events, including liability, the virus, and riots over racism and severe economic hardship. Biden has enjoyed a consistent lead in the polls since announcing the nomination in April.

But the current president has tested positive for a potentially fatal disease that is of the greatest magnitude.

However, a large amount of information is unknown and, above all, whether Trump’s symptoms remain mild or are getting worse. It is difficult to predict the impact of seemingly catastrophic events on the race. After all, when the Access Hollywood video appeared just weeks before the 2016 election, it was widely believed that Trump’s boast of seizing a woman’s genitals would eliminate his chances of winning.

As for Biden, he said in a tweet on Friday morning that he will “continue to pray for the health and safety of the president and his family.” His top aides said the former vice president would maintain the same tone throughout the day and refrain from criticizing Trump.

It is unclear how Biden will deal with the news of the president’s infection with the virus, and it is likely to hinge on the Trump case. He has made the president’s handling of the health crisis the main focus of his criticism of Trump’s leadership.

Democratic lawmakers urged Biden on Friday to continue the campaign and tailor his comments to reflect the seriousness of the moment. Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan said, “It’s evidence that we need to be vigilant and we need mature leadership.” “You don’t even need to ask Trump by name, just say it’s very dangerous, even the president can understand.”

While Biden’s aides are careful not to appear insensitive in public, they are skeptical that Trump has already contracted the virus when he presented his scathing performance during Tuesday’s debate in Cleveland, a campaign official said Friday. The official said they were angry that members of the Trump family had refused to wear masks in the debate room and appeared to have rebuffed efforts by a Cleveland Clinic employee to wear masks.

At the White House, aides to the president admitted that a positive test would remind voters how much Trump underestimated the virus, not only because of his neglect of security, but also because of his optimistic assessments of a pandemic that has killed more than 207,000 people. in United States. One adviser admitted that Trump’s recklessness amounts to a political “disaster.”

The two remaining debates between Trump and Biden will almost certainly be affected. The next appointment is scheduled for less than two weeks from now, on October 15, and Medicaid will likely keep the president in isolation until then.

The nature of the campaign will also be suspended. And after pushing ahead with the big rallies he yearns for, despite rules preventing big gatherings in many states, Trump won’t be able to leave Washington during the crucial final phase of the campaign.

Furthermore, one of his central arguments against Biden, that the 77-year-old former vice president is weak and in no condition to run the country, has now been undermined by questions about the president’s health.

In the early hours of Friday morning, some of Trump’s aides were discussing ways for the public to watch later in the day, so that he could inform them that he was still leading the country. A person familiar with the discussions said that one option was to address the nation.

However, in private conversations, his staff members have also been candid that the president has some underlying conditions that may make him more susceptible to a severe outbreak of the virus.

Biden was willing to abide by local regulations, wear a mask and hold small events with social distancing. But he was under pressure from some Democrats to mount a more aggressive campaign, and his staff changed course Thursday and decided to begin a personal poll.

Trump’s stance on masks made him inconsistent with most people and even some in his party. Forty percent of Republicans said in a New York Times / Siena College poll last month that they are in favor of imposing the mask nationwide when social distancing is not possible. Other GOP leaders, including Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, have repeatedly highlighted the importance of the masks and made sure to wear them inside the Capitol.

The Times poll, along with those conducted in the battlefield states, indicated that the majority of voters disagree with Trump’s approach to the pandemic and are confident that Biden will do a better job of handling the situation.

But this sound of data drums hasn’t changed Trump’s approach to the disease.

On Tuesday, in his first debate with Biden, Trump mocked his opponent, a guy in his seventies, for his precautions.

The president said, “I don’t wear masks like him.” “Every time you see him, he has a mask on. He can speak 200 feet away. He appears with the largest mask I have ever seen.”

Until Thursday, after his close assistant Hope Hicks showed symptoms of the virus, Trump took notes from the White House to attend the annual Alfred E Smith Foundation Memorial Dinner in which he falsely insisted that “the end of the epidemic Is in sight”.
