Monza attracts stars


Silvio Berlusconi is considered one of the biggest whales of politics and money in Italy, and his name shone on the sports field from the door of the “AC Milan” that he owned while the club was on the brink of bankruptcy. Berlusconi led the Lombard club between 1986 and 2017, during which the Rossoneri won 29 titles, including eight in the Italian league and five in the European Champions League. In addition to sporting success, Milan have served Berlusconi’s political and economic interests, which can be repeated with his new club, Monza.

In 2018, Berlusconi announced his return to the world of football again, after acquiring the Monza club, which is active in the Italian third division, and used its chief executive, Adriano Galliani, to “build a new team for the future.” Galliani, who was born in Monza, was not at all satisfied when he learned that his work at one of the Italian clubs, especially in the geographical proximity of his former club “AC Milan”, could be considered a “betrayal” to the Rossoneri, for which made a statement to the media after supervising Monza. “In 1975 I became a shareholder in Monza,” he said. “This club was an important part of my life. I stayed in Monza for 10 years until 1985 when I resigned and moved to Milan with Berlusconi until the club was sold in 2017. Moving to Monza now is not a betrayal of Milan, I started in Monza and then moved to Milan on loan from 31 years.
It goes without saying that the new project carries financial goals. Soon, there was much talk in the city about a huge investment project Berlusconi is planning to build a team-owned sports city, with its commercial market annexes and money-generating plazas. However, based on what is prevalent in the Italian sector, Berlusconi’s new sports project carries hidden political goals to return to the political arena and collect votes in the next election, and his experts blame the sale of the Rossoneri as one of the reasons for the decline in his political actions.

Berlusconi’s new sports project has hidden political goals to make it stand out again

Berlusconi wants to polish his image to stand out again. Perhaps this reflects the “virtuous” charter on which he promised to build the team. As soon as he gets the Monza shares, he said: “I have a specific program for Monza in my mind, it will be a young team made up of Italian players.” Your hair must be well groomed. No beard, no tattoos, no earrings either. The stadium will be an example of justice. The players will apologize to the opponent if they commit an infraction, they will treat the referee properly and if someone asks them for a commemorative signature they will not make a large drawing, they will only write their names, and they will always appear properly dressed. I want something different from current football ”. This, of course, is part of Berlusconi’s madness.
With the end of last season, Monza was promoted to the second division of the Italian Football League. Monza was out at the top of the third division when the championship was suspended in early March due to the Corona virus outbreak, until the Italian Federation approved the promotion of leader Monza to the second division. Thus, Berlusconi’s dream came closer to reality, as he had previously said that he aspires to promote Monza to the first category in three seasons.
A great story written by Berlusconi and Galliani in Milan due to good management and planning, and they face another big challenge at Monza. With his political fortune fading and his health deteriorating, especially after being infected with the Corona virus, Berlusconi will strive to promote Monza to the First Division for the first time in his history, to be the fifth success in his life, after real estate, the media, Milan and politics.

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