Why did Biden use the phrase “God willing” to confront Trump?


The use of the Democratic candidate for the presidential elections of the United States, Joe Biden, the phrase “God willing”, as a metaphor for the impossibility of the Republican candidate, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, to disclose his tax records, caused a great interaction on social media inside and outside the United States, as many reactions were broadcast, between a supporter and a critic. For this use of the Arabic phrase.

In the first electoral debates between Biden (77 years) and Trump (74 years), which were characterized by chaos and the exchange of sarcasm and accusations, Biden said: “When? God willing,” mocking Trump by answering a Question from the head of the debate, veteran journalist Chris Wallace, about the amount of money. Trump paid taxes, so the president said he would reveal his tax records, and he paid millions of dollars, and everyone would know about it.

A group of activists on communication sites justified Joe Biden’s use of the word “God willing”, a second group saw this as a historical matter, and a third group said that the use of this Arabic word with an Islamic connotation was something offensive.

Some people also asked on the communication sites, if Biden really said the word “God willing” or another close word, knowing that the word “God willing” has an equivalent in the English language, which is (God willing) , which means that the matter that I will do is conditioned to your will. God.

Some American tweeters justified Biden’s use of the word Arabic with an Islamic connotation by saying that he was using it cynically in front of his opponent Trump, who had previously refused to reveal his tax returns and has an estimated wealth of hundreds of dollars. millions of dollars.

The “Muslim Girl” account on Twitter reposted a video for part of the debate in which Biden said the phrase “God willing” and commented on the account saying: “The word, God willing, is used in a sarcastic context , to confront people who want to postpone deadlines and decisions. “

“From the Second Gulf War until today, the phrase (God willing) entered the English-language dictionary to describe a person who did not keep his promises,” said Kadhim al-Waeli, who identifies himself on Twitter as a former adviser to the international coalition against ISIS.

Media writer Mahdi Hassan tweeted: “Everybody knows where Biden came from this word he used, and they were able to use it well and cynically.” University of Maryland political science professor Shibley Telhami responded in a tweet also saying, “I’ve heard many times from people who work for the US government.” In the Middle East region, it is applied to the behavior of Arab rulers who respond with the words, God willing, when American officials ask them about things they can or cannot do, and they respond with this word so that things can be done. stop at this point.

On the other hand, some saw Biden’s use of the word “God willing” somewhat offensive, because the word expresses the firm belief among Muslims that nothing happens without God’s will.

“If you ask me, I’d say Biden’s use of the word (God willing) was something like that,” said Tamer Ghobashi, a former Middle East correspondent for The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. A colonial and insulting use “.

The head of the organization “Muslims Against Anti-Semitism” – Ghanem Nusseibeh – commented that “Biden used the word (God willing) and it means no … it won’t happen, which shows the depth of his hatred of Arabs and his fear Muslims. This man is not fit for the position “, referring to To the Presidency of the United States.

Source : Al Jazeera + agencies + support service + social networking sites
