“Netflix” is a claim of the boycott of Liu Zixin


Five Republican senators from the streaming platform Netflix have requested a reconsideration of their plan to turn Chinese writer Liu Zixin’s popular science fiction series into a David Benioff and Dy series. B Weiss. The reason is the statements of the 57-year-old writer who supports the practices of his government towards Uighur Muslims.

“Would you rather have people blown up in train stations and schools with terrorist attacks?” Liu said. He added: “… the government is helping their economy and trying to lift them out of poverty … If you want to ease restrictions a bit in the country, the consequences will be terrifying.”
Commenting on this, the senators, led by Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, the ruling party in China, said: “They were committing atrocities in Xinjiang, including mass incarceration, forced labor, change of mind to denounce religion and culture. , and involuntary medical tests, infertility and forced abortion. This comes after an Australian research center finally revealed that China has set up nearly 400 detention camps in Xinjiang, while human rights groups and Western governments have spoken of coordinated attacks against the Uighur minority.
In their message to “Netflix”, the senators stated that these crimes “are being systematically and on a scale that can approach genocide … Unfortunately, a number of US companies continue to allow, actively or implicitly, to normalize these crimes or to apologize for they”. “Your next project can be included in this box … In the face of such atrocities in Xinjiang, things have been classified only as collusion.”
Note that at the beginning of the current month of September, Netflix revealed that the two creators of the famous fantasy series “Game of Thrones” will do a dramatic work based on the novel The problem of the three bodies (which won the Hugo Award 2015) and the Remembrance trilogy. from Earth’s Past Associated, $ 200 million budget.
The streaming platform declined to respond to requests for comment on the matter sent by Reuters and Vanity Fair.
