Corona will end America’s faltering leadership in the world


The Corona virus will end the world order that was established after World War II and American leadership in the international arena, according to several senior journalists at the French newspaper Le Monde.

The rise of China played a major role in destabilizing the existing world order, according to journalists in an article published today by the newspaper, based on the fact that the WHO delay in warning the international community of the dangers of epidemic is evidence of dependence on this international organization in Beijing.

The authors of the article are sure that the United States no longer plays the role of world leader, as was the case in the 20th century.

And the newspaper considered that if the ability of the United States to play the leading role in the world has decreased more and more in recent years, the current crisis, which weakened the United States and made it the most affected by the virus. Corona recently forced the Americans to abandon the claim of this leadership.

Furthermore, the newspaper considered that the COVID-19 epidemic was a severe blow to the unity of Europe, which has long been an ally of America … The European Union has been unable to support even its most affected countries, such as Italy.

Le Monde journalists concluded that, to increase the impact on creating a new world order, the European Union must review its construction architecture and its own machinery.

According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and relevant medical authorities in the United States, the number of deaths caused by the emerging Corona Virus in the United States, as of Saturday night, passed the 67,000 barrier. cases, a great advantage in terms of this indicator over any other country in the world.

As of Saturday night, 1,154,760 confirmed cases of new Corona virus infection (COVID-19) were recorded in the United States, including 67075 deaths (5.8%) and 170,181 recoveries (14.7%).

Source: Russian “Novosti”
