Visitors to Ain al-Tineh quoted Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri as saying that Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s statement was a “dam breaking”, noting that “the proposal is not new and that the French have previously proposed the idea to us. provided they are appointed as a Shiite minister. ” The Al-Akhbar newspaper stated: “We are based on our position that the appointment is between us and the president-designate, and our position is to present a series of names while he elects them”, considering that “the most important thing from the position of Hariri is the prime minister’s deal with this initiative, and we are ready. ”
However, until yesterday evening, there was no contact between the prime minister-designate, Mustafa Adib, and the bilateral, and a date has not been set for a meeting between the prime minister and the two Khalileans.
The newspaper added that indirect messages on the Ain al-Tineh – Bayt al-Wasat line suggested that the authorship was in the custody of the two parties. When they agree, the government is ready. For this reason, the Presidency of the Republic came out yesterday with an objection statement, in which it reiterated that “the Constitution explicitly establishes in its articles 53 (paragraph 4) and 64 (paragraph 2) that the President of the Republic issues, in accordance with the Prime Minister, the decree that forms the government, and that the designated prime minister conducts consultations. Parliament to form a government and signs with the President of the Republic the decree to form it, which means without diligence, reduction or usurpation of constitutional powers, that the President of the Republic takes care of the immediate formation of the government issuing the formation decree according to the Prime Minister-designate …
To that, informed sources confirmed that the new optimism is linked to a serious French effort to resolve the formation of the government, because the delay has become a drain on Paris, which has placed all its weight on the Lebanese file and will not accept its disappointed departure. But the main question: Will the way for the formation of the government open once the financial node is resolved, or will another contract appear after it was blocked by the node “finance”? The declaration of the President of the Republic, while confirming the constitutional direction of the composition, also hides a battle that will not be simple for Christian representation. Aoun, according to Al-Akhbar, despite his enthusiasm for the success of the French initiative, he will not accept the signing of a decree to form a government that does not agree with the names of its members, at least the Christians among them. Presidential sources confirm that he has not yet insisted on speaking of her in any name to a minister.
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