Aoun seeks United States mediation to demarcate Lebanon’s maritime borders


The President of the Lebanese Republic, General Michel Aoun, announced the adherence of Lebanon to its full right to water and the natural wealth of oil and gas, and its aspiration to the mediation of the United Nations and the United States to finally demarcate its maritime borders.
President Aoun’s positions were given during a speech he delivered on behalf of Lebanon at the United Nations General Assembly, which was held in New York last night, Wednesday, during its 75th session, according to the procedures of the health protocol followed by the international organization through video technology.

President Aoun affirmed: “Lebanon adheres to its full rights to its waters and natural oil and gas resources, and to all its maritime borders in accordance with international law.”

It stated that Lebanon awaits “the role of the United Nations and friendly countries to consolidate its rights, specifically the mediation of the United States of America to carry out the necessary negotiations to finally demarcate the maritime borders in accordance with international law, in a way that preserves Lebanon’s sovereignty and rights over its wealth. “

Aoun thanked “the United Nations, countries around the world, governmental and non-governmental organizations for the rapid response to help Beirut and the Lebanese people after the explosion in the port of Beirut on August 4.” Noting that it “had a great positive impact on Lebanon and its people, both in practice and morally.”

“Our people felt that they were not alone, but that they had brothers of humanity in this world who did not hesitate to support them,” he added.

President Aoun presented the course of the crises that hit Lebanon and the tragic repercussions of the same, the last of which was the explosion, the earthquake, and stressed that “all of Lebanon wants to know the truth of the explosion and achieve justice. “.

President Aoun said: “We are still awaiting information from the international teams that have conducted the necessary investigation into the mystery of the ship, as well as satellite images to clear up the ambiguity in this part of the investigation, which will pour out their conclusions in the Judicial Council in the context of the jurisdiction of Lebanese sovereignty “.

He referred to the issue of displaced Syrians, that Lebanon has faced its crisis on the basis of the principle of humanitarian duty and respect for international law, especially the principle of non-refoulement.

Aoun called for “intensifying efforts for a safe and dignified return and not linking him to the political solution in Syria, and helping the Lebanese government in implementing the plan it approved for his return.”

He also called for “donor countries to meet their obligations and provide assistance to government institutions and Lebanese host communities, in response to the response plan prepared by Lebanon in cooperation with the United Nations.”

President Aoun reiterated Lebanon’s commitment to Resolution 1701 in all its components, and his call to the international community to force Israel to fulfill its obligations in this regard and to stop its violations of Lebanese sovereignty, and urged it to cooperate with UNIFIL (the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) to demarcate what remains of the Blue Line and immediately withdraw from the north. Gypsies, Shebaa Farms and the Kfarshouba Hills “.

The President of the Republic affirmed that the Lebanese people “of all sects adhere to preserving a vast, united Lebanon, without division or division.”

Lebanon is reported to be facing a dispute over the demarcation of its exclusive economic zone with Israel.

The disputed area is about 860 square kilometers.

Lebanon demands that the United Nations seek to demarcate the maritime border zone and the exclusive economic zone in dispute between it and Israel.
