President of an English club that finances settlement activities in occupied Jerusalem


Companies affiliated with one of the Premier League club presidents donated $ 100 million to a settler association operating in occupied East Jerusalem.

According to an investigation by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Russian Roman Abramovich, president of the English Chelsea Club, supports a settlement association called El-Ad, which resettles Jewish families to occupied Silwan houses and manages archaeological sites. there.

According to the report, Elad relies on donors to fund its work, and about half of the donations it received between 2005 and 2018 came from companies registered in the British Virgin Islands.

While the person behind these companies has remained unknown until now, the names of four of these Virgin Islands-registered donor companies have appeared in various bank documents known as “the Vincent files.”

In these documents, Roman Abramovich, who obtained Israeli citizenship in 2018, was mentioned as the final beneficiary of three companies that made donations to recreate, and he controls a fourth company.

Elad’s accounts indicate that these companies donated more than $ 100 million to them, indicating that Abramovi was the largest individual donor for recreation in the past 15 years.

In this context, Abramovich’s spokesman noted that the latter is committed and generous in supporting “Israel” and Jewish civil society.

He explained that over the past twenty years, he donated more than $ 500 million to support health care, science, education, and Jewish communities in Israel and around the world.

The report emphasized that without this funding, the Red Sea would not have been able to so quickly and so successfully achieve its goal of supporting the Jewish presence in Silwan.
