Economic explanation: this is the expected hell


Eva Abi Haidar wrote in Al-Gomhoria:

The president of the republic said it clearly: “If the government is not formed and they go to hell,” what hell is the president talking about? Is what awaits the Lebanese worse than what they are experiencing now? And to what extent will the standard of living reach, especially after the removal of subsidies for wheat, fuel and drugs?

In the hell that awaits us, economist Kamal Hamdan says: Just think for a moment about the scenario of stopping subsidies and their impact on the cost of living of citizens in a country where there are no job opportunities or wage correction, while that the price of the dollar is on an upward trend in preparation for the next big thing.

Hamdan regretted, through “the republic”, that despite all these crises, those responsible for us remain distracted in the portfolio of finances, parity, equality and equity … while without a government totally independent of the ruling system with exceptional powers and a 10, 12, 18 and 24 month plan, there will be no chance of salvation. . What is required today is an independent work team with at least 20 years of experience in preparing a detailed plan of action to resolve all the crises that we are going through. Although this plan is painful in some of its provisions, it certainly carries a ray of hope that things will get organized again. As for continuing the current trend, it will put us in the face of existential and existential dangers, especially since religious discourse has recently spread strongly.

The scene is bleak

Hamdan revealed that the dark scene we can accept is poverty, hunger and high rates of violence. He pointed out that hunger is one of the worst types of poverty because it represents the highest line, that is, absolute poverty. He explained that between 20 and 22 percent of Lebanese are today at the bottom line of poverty, that is, extreme poverty, so that for every 5 families that reside there is one family that suffers extreme poverty, while between 50 and 52 percent of Lebanese suffer absolute poverty, that is, unlike Every two families there is one family that suffers from poverty.

But with the end of the subsidies, prices will go up about 60%. Consequently, the highest or absolute poverty rate is expected to rise from 50 to 70 percent, and the average salary in the Lebanese pound, which is currently equal to half what it was last year, will decline to about one third.

In addition, health insurance income comes primarily from contributions paid on wages in Lebanese pounds that have not been corrected after October 2019. This income has started to decline due to the decrease in the number of employees withdrawing their compensation and they leave the insurance. The cessation of drug subsidies will double the prices of medical and hospital services, and this matter would bring down health insurance systems, and this will become apparent when the issue comes with at least 3 times more laboratory and hospital bills and medicines, then what is the value that will be paid to the citizen, knowing that the guarantor is bankrupt and since approximately 10 years they cover their disability by illegally extending a hand on the reserve of the branch of service. In truth, it is a tragedy.

Quadrant government

Hamdan suggested that a quadripartite government be formed from the excellent Mufti al-Jaafari, His Eminence the Patriarch, the Sheikh Aql of the Druze community and the Mufti of the Republic, provided these people try to find solutions to the crises we are going through, from the cash crisis to the banking crisis, to growth rates to the loss distribution crisis, and how we can protect. Rest of institutions and public and quasi-public insurance systems.

Hamdan considered that one of the worst scenarios on the table is to move towards the federal division, noting that from an economic point of view there is no place for coexistence in this country in the shadow of the federations because the conflicts will move within each sect , and the fight will be towards those who control the most their base, which is moving more towards poverty and collapse.
