The “Israeli Spring” in Africa … led by Chad


On September 8, the Israel Broadcasting Corporation announced that a Chadian delegation had secretly arrived in the occupied Palestinian territories to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his intelligence minister, Eli Cohen. The “commission” indicated at the time that the Chadian delegation included Abdelkrim Déby, son of President Idriss Deby, the Chadian national security adviser, and officials in the field of intelligence. According to the Hebrew media, the visitors discussed “issues related to strengthening economic cooperation between Israel and Chad”, while a statement issued by the Israeli Intelligence Ministry indicated that Déby expressed his willingness to open an official mission for N ‘ Djamena in occupied Jerusalem, at the request of Cohen.

These events have once again raised many questions about the dimensions of the occupation state interest in Chad and the benefits that the two sides are trying to obtain from this rapprochement. Chad-Israel relations began in the 1960s, when a diplomatic exchange was established that allowed Tel Aviv to train Chadian security forces and police. However, N’Djamena broke these relations in 1972, as a result of pressure from its Arab neighbors, without interrupting the training of Israeli experts for the Chadian army, especially in the 1980s. During Chad’s civil war, arms deals were concluded with Israel. Later, during the crisis in the Darfur region of western Sudan in 2003, Western and Israeli support for the African “Zaghawa” tribes to which Déby belongs arose, as opposed to Arab tribes supported by Khartoum and the “Janjaweed militia. “.
Relations have returned with force, after 46 years of estrangement, at least at the official level, after the visit of the Chadian president to the occupied territories, for the first time, in 2018, which was followed by Netanyahu’s visit to Chad to early 2019. At that time, the latter said that his visit is part of what he called a “revolution” in the Arab and Islamic world, with the intention of normalization with countries that fall into the direct Arab sphere and the indirect arabic sphere. Among its results is the continuation of the official normalization of many direct Arab countries and the opening and containment of many indirect Arab countries, such as Chad, Niger and Mali.

Chad enjoys the peculiarity of being an African country with a Muslim majority and is also an Arab in love

Israeli foreign policy moves in several geographical areas, perhaps the most prominent of which is the extension of the Maghreb to Afghanistan. Israel sees Africa as an important tool to ensure the realization of its project, due to many considerations: political, economic, strategic and geopolitical, which is reflected in the great and growing interest in the brown continent, which some have described as the “Israeli Spring in Africa”. Chad, in particular, has privacy here. Being a Muslim-majority African country, it is also Arab by passion, where Arabic is the official language alongside French, and important neighboring countries like Libya, Sudan, Niger, Nigeria, and Cameroon. And given that it is a fundamental country in the heart of Africa, and in the Sahel and Sahara region in particular, with the strategic and vital stakes that this region constitutes, the Israeli concentration on it will ensure that Tel Aviv has letters of pressure as much in Libya as in Sudan, and will pave the way for its expansion on the continent. This will help you monitor the support that many countries provide to the Palestinian cause, especially through international forums.
In addition to the above, Israel hopes to reap geopolitical and economic benefits, such as access to oil from southern Libya and reduced flight time from Tel Aviv to Latin America, via the flight path through the triangle of borders between Sudan, Chad and Libya. Proof of this trend is that after Idriss Déby’s visit to the occupying country, the announcement was made of the opening of Chadian airspace to Israeli airspace, in order to facilitate direct flights to Latin America. On the other hand, these steps represent great strides for Netanyahu, strengthening his presence internally and playing roles that he can use in the face of the corruption charges that are after him. In the bigger picture, Tel Aviv is trying to send a message to Washington that Israel will remain the magic key for the United States in Africa, if the latter wants to confront the roles of China, Russia, France and other warring powers in the world. continent.
On the other hand, Chad aims, from this approach, to support its army with equipment and weapons, especially in the middle of the war it is waging on more than one front, in addition to its desire to acquire Israeli technology, especially since Tel Aviv is pushing magic solutions to address many of the natural problems he suffers from. Chad, in addition to desertification. N’Djamena also hopes to expand cooperation with Israel in the fields of agriculture, solar energy and water, while the Chadian president tries to ensure his survival in power, through an alliance with Israel, which may include his proximity to the White House.

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