Two Canadian provinces announce the recovery of all people with a crown


Canada News – New Brunswick County did not report any new cases of coronavirus for two consecutive weeks, and the 118 patients who had contracted recovered.

Dr. Jennifer Russell, Health Officer, said that although the curve has smoothed out and all patients have recovered, caution is still needed.

Jennifer added: “This two-week achievement is important, but we must continue to practice social divergence, wear face masks, and stay home as much as possible.”

The county continues to test cases for Covid 19, and the province has relaxed some epidemic restrictions.

County Prime Minister Blaine Higgs said the county has reached this important milestone by following public health advice.

Higgs thanked everyone, the frontline workers, central workers, public safety employees and all New Brunswick employees for their help in achieving this achievement. ”

Of course, we have not yet won the war, and this victory may be short-lived, but the important thing is that we are committed to maintaining the balance to return to a new normal, maintaining caution and protecting the health of the population, “he said. Higgs.

Although the government has removed many restrictions on outdoor activities such as golf and fishing, the Prime Minister said citizens must continue to maintain social estrangement from others.

Higgs encouraged everyone to stay safe outdoors, especially in the hot May weather, as long as they stay 2 meters away.

Higgs added: “We know everyone is eager to spend time with loved ones and we are delighted to have been able to loosen the restrictions, however residents should not take advantage of this less restrictive stage.”

And he warned that if people start attending large gatherings today, then the province could witness the appearance of corona infections again.

Meanwhile, the county urges residents to call 811 if they have symptoms, following instructions provided by public health.

The second district

Yukon Province has announced the recovery of the 11 confirmed HIV infections, as of May 1.

Yukon tested 999 cases for the detection of the coronavirus.

The Northwest Territories were the first place in Canada to heal all Corona cases on April 20.
