There is no return to the “liberation” of Marib


Sana’a | The Sana’a forces are close to completing the encirclement process of the city of Ma’rib from various directions, following their advance into a series of strategic locations located in the Rahba and Jabal Murad districts, which are close to the Ma’rib dam, and also on the outskirts of Al-Jouba city, south of the center of the governorate, and its fierce control of this entire city after this city The Rahoum branch overlooking Al-Jouba , amid the withdrawal of forces loyal to the outgoing president, Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, and Saudi Arabia’s withdrawal of its remaining Patriot equipment, weapons and batteries from the Sahn al-Jin camp west of Ma’rib.

The governor’s statements came when Sana’a was commemorating the sixth anniversary of the “September 21 Revolution” (AFP)

Tribal sources from the governorate confirmed to “Al-Akhbar” that the army and popular committees managed to make great advances in the vicinity of the city of Marib, and last Saturday, after violent battles, they took control of the strategic Hailan crossing. and the narrow area on the outskirts of the city from the western side, and “they got hold of several of them. Large amount of weapons left behind by Hadi’s forces. Sources indicated that dozens of tribal fighters from the Murad tribes withdrew yesterday from the ranks of Hadi’s forces, in protest at the Saudi air force bombardment of the Wasl area, which killed and injured large numbers of people. they.
Amid the news of the arrival of Emirati military leaders to Marib over the past two days, to support the Chief of Staff of the Abu Dhabi-affiliated Hadi forces, Saghir bin Aziz, clashes escalated on different fronts. of the governorate, as Sana’a forces advanced on the fronts southwest of Ma’rib and managed to penetrate areas. Alpha, Al-Naqum and Rahum, the areas that administratively separate the districts of Rahba, Al-Jouba and Jabal Murad, and the north-western fronts of Ma’rib, where they advanced during the last 48 hours towards the areas of the Ubaidah tribe in the outside the center of the governorate. According to a military source, the army and committees seized control of the strategic package area and advanced towards Al-Sahil, the Nakhla Valley and Al-Branch, and also fought violent clashes with Hadi’s forces east of the area of Al-Suhail towards Nakhla. The source noted that on Sunday, Sanaa forces launched a large-scale attack towards the Iydat Al-Ra’a area on the same front.
After the “Reform” party pushed its military weight to the Al-Alam Front east of Safer, east of the city of Ma’rib, during the last days, and its help with fighters from the Salafi movement and elements of “Al -Qaeda “according to sources, the army and popular committees waged, during the last two days, violent confrontations with those elements on the northern front in Marib, and specifically on the science and opposition fronts, where a state of struggle prevails and flight, due to the massive incursions launched by Saudi aggression planes to support the “reformer” militia and elements of “Al Qaeda”.

Abu Ali Al-Hakim: Everyone should be aware of this message and not be carried away by their illusions.

In a parallel line, and in response to the international pressure faced by Sanaa to stop the Marib attack, and the attempts by regional forces to stop the advance of the army and the committees towards the center of the governorate, the head of the Authority of Military Intelligence in Sanaa, Major General Abdullah Yahya Al-Hakim, confirmed in a statement to the army website on Sunday: “The decision to release Marib is a national, sovereign decision,” adding that “the sovereign decision Yemen is a red line, “and that” Sanaa will not allow anyone to interfere in our sovereign decisions under any pretext or pretext, and everyone should be aware of this message and not sweep them away. ” His delusions go beyond that. Al-Hakim, known as “Abu Ali al-Hakim”, noted that “the countries that were quick to express concern about the military advance of the army and the committees are countries involved in supporting and assisting terrorist elements in Marib.”
For his part, the head of the “Supreme Political Council” of Sanaa, Mahdi Al-Mashat, in his speech on Sunday night on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the “Revolution of September 21”, renewed the enthusiasm of the movement’s leadership. “Ansar Allah” to prevent the city of Marib from suffering the ravages of destruction, once again the presentation of the leader of the movement. Abd al-Malik al-Houthi, presented to UN envoy Martin Griffiths, and consists of nine articles that “are nothing more than just demands and rights for the Yemeni people.” The Houthi initiative, which it presented to high-ranking sheiks in Marib last March, stipulates the need to stop the use of the governorate as a military starting point by the coalition of aggression against the rest of the provinces, and the withdrawal of all militias loyal to Marib’s “coalition” and hand over security matters to his people. And ensuring there are no military targets in the governorate and keeping it out of conflict, re-disbursing provincial oil and gas allocations as they did in the past, allocating proceeds from oil and gas exports to pay salaries for employees, restarting the power plant so that Marib and the rest of the governorates can benefit from it fairly and not attack the people of the governorate is one of those that does not agree with the governing authority, opening the road Ma’rib-Sanaa, securing travelers by Marib and not hindering their journey. According to tribal sources, the sheikhs appreciated the initiative and took it to the rest of the tribal leaders who did not attend the meeting for discussion. However, Saudi Arabia was ordered to reject it entirely and did not allow it to be discussed in the first place.

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