Al-Kawthar High School Has Been “Surrounded” By Corona Infection


Returning to classes on January 28 is not final, and the Ministry of Education will monitor the Coronavirus health indicator to decide the form of learning in the current school year. “If the deployment requires distance learning, we will follow this approach,” said Education Minister Tariq Al-Majzoub, who again asked donors to provide electronic devices to students. If the health situation improves, the Ministry will proceed with integrated learning between attendance and distance.

Most of the private schools have begun to teach classes “online”, and are waiting for zero hour for the Ministry of Education to announce the start of urban education, to decide whether or not to adopt this form of education. However, the implementation of urban education in the current circumstances will only be possible through simulation, according to the principal of Al-Kawthar High School, Rana Ismail.
The Al-Mabarrat Charitable Association had chosen the secondary school as a place for gradual experimental enrollment in the classrooms before the official start of the school year to test the situation and the ability to continue the experiment, “especially that Kindergarten students from infants and basic education will face a great crisis to adapt to distance education “, according to Ismail.
But it was not a week until the secondary school collided with the infection of the first teacher, the French section, with the Corona virus, which last Friday unleashed panic among parents and some were hesitant to send their children back to the school. However, Ismail spoke of “cordoning off the incident and the transparency that the administration followed. We did not break the news, but personally informed the parents of the injury. We took the students home and asked for another teacher for the class and one of the workers after close contacts were considered, according to the definition contained in the health protocol that the school follows, which mixes between various protocols applied in countries of the world “. According to Ismail, this protocol allows taking the maximum preventive measures, since no group of students mixes with groups from other classes.
Yesterday between 70% and 90% of the classes that started face-to-face education returned, according to Ismail estimates, which indicated that the school had created classes in outdoor spaces in which students spend at least one or two classes, since they are safer than closed rooms.
And on what the Al-Mabarat Association will do if it is officially decided to start online education, he stated: “We will organize a protest movement towards the Ministry of Education, since the situation is not likely to lose a second school year, and we will adopt coeducation, one day of classroom instruction and one day of education through the electronic platform “. She indicated that the rest of the Association’s schools organized meetings of acquaintances of attendance for the students and their families who attended for an hour in order to know the measures taken in urban education.

Are the Ministry of Education and the Educational Center a homogeneous team?
During the launch ceremony of the electronic version of the official textbook, yesterday, the Minister of Education of the interim government, Tariq Al-Majzoub, and the head of the Educational Center for Research and Development, curated by George Nahra, expressed their willingness to work together as a homogeneous and integrated team and that the next phase will be calmer and more productive for the school to face the challenges of education. Crown time. Nohra is committed to working transparently with the educational family, without exclusion or discrimination, to achieve the projects that people have been waiting for for years in terms of development of curricula and online platforms, digital learning tools, teacher training and research. educational.
Teachers, students and their families can now download the electronic copy of the official textbook and didactic guides related to it, in the stages of general pre-university education, from kindergarten to third secondary in all its branches, and for all subjects academic. Those interested in the book can download the CRDP electronic book application, from the website of the Educational Center,, or from the Digital Learning Initiative (DLI) platform (link), and it works with various operating systems – iOS – Windows Android application, and can be downloaded on all devices (mobile phones, smart tablets and computers).
The application developed by the Educational Center is free and available to everyone, since it will allow students at the beginning of the school year, and by connecting to the Internet for once, download all their textbooks, each according to their class, licensed for use throughout the school year without the need for a permanent Internet connection. The application is also subject to further development, especially in terms of making the books and manuals interactive.

More than half of the applicants missed the free application exams
Free application exams for all official certificates began yesterday, amid a notable absence, which ranged from 30% to 70%, according to the centers.
Many of those who requested eligibility had bet not to appear for the exams given the increase in infected by “Corona”, and in parallel, the high chances of obtaining the official declaration, similar to the rest of the candidates for the official certificate this year. Among the candidates for the exams there are many clergymen and military personnel, and there are those who have reached the age of 77, because there is no age limit, and some of them have not attended school for a long time.
1,877 examiners were nominated for the intermediate diploma (Praveen) and 4,957 for the high school with all four branches. They carried out their exams in 67 centers, amid preventive and healthy measures.
Sources from the exam department said that the percentage of serious examiners does not exceed 20%. Eligibility, on its first day, is smoothly approved and lasts for 4 days for the intermediate certificate and 5 days for the high school exams, which end on January 28.

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