New Medical Update: Corona Goes Airborne


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its guidelines on the Corona virus, confirming its spread “through respiratory droplets or small particles, such as those in the air,” that come out when a person breathes.

The centers said on their website: “Airborne viruses, including Covid-19, are among the most contagious and easy to spread.”

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control previously said, on its website, that the spread of Covid-19 disease is believed to occur primarily between people in close contact (around 6 feet or less than two meters ) “through respiratory droplets that come out when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks.” .

With their guidelines updated last Friday, the centers still say that Covid-19 is spreading more frequently among people who are in close contact with each other, but added that the virus spreads “through respiratory droplets or small particles in the air that come out with the cough or sneeze or Sing, speak or breathe of the affected person.

These particles can cause infection when “inhaled through the nose, mouth, airways and lungs,” he says. This is believed to be the main way the virus spreads.

In the update, the centers confirmed that there is “increasing evidence that airborne droplets and particles can remain suspended in the air and be inhaled by others, and travel distances greater than 6 feet (for example, during practice choir, restaurants, or gym classes “). In general, indoor environments without good ventilation increase this risk. “

The Centers for Disease Control added new measures to its information on self-protection and protection of others.

Previously, the Centers for Disease Control suggested maintaining a “good social distance” of about 6 feet, routinely washing hands, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, and covering your mouth and nose with a mask when others are around.

Now, she says, “Stay at least 6 feet away from others whenever possible,” and continued instructing them to wear a mask and to routinely clean and sterilize.

He also addressed the need to stay home and isolate when sick, and to “use air purifiers to help reduce germs in the air indoors.”

He indicated that masks should not replace other protective measures.

The update also changed the language related to asymptomatic transmission of the virus, from saying “some people who have no symptoms can spread the virus” to saying “people who are infected but show no symptoms can spread the virus to other people.”

For months, scientists have observed the possibility of Covid-19 disease being transmitted through airborne viral particles, and they have lobbied health agencies to recognize it.
