An Israeli website reveals the identity of Imad Mughniyeh’s killer


An Israeli blog on the disclosure of national security secrets to Israel revealed the identity of the assassin of “Hezbollah” military leader Imad Mughniyeh, who was assassinated in 2008 in the Syrian capital, Damascus.

According to the blog, the US newspaper “The New Yorker” reported that the assassination of the party leader at the time was a joint operation between the CIA and the Israeli Mossad, and was intended to avenge his alleged role in the bombing of the Garrison headquarters. the Marine Corps in Beirut in 1982, and the bombing of the Israeli embassy and the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires. “

“The two intelligence agencies claimed that he played an essential role in each of these attacks, despite the presence of contradictory opinions on this matter,” the blog said.

The blog added that, “According to (Yossi Melman’s) new book,” Imperfect Spies, “the NSA offered communications that located Mughniyeh and allowed him to be traced. In return, the United States established conditions under which it would allow the assassination. Among them was that the bombing would not harm or kill bystanders and that it was not allowed to be done during school hours. “

And the blog continued: “The bomb maker is Noam Ayers, if he held the position of vice president of the spy agency, Tamir Pardo, during the period in which Mughniyeh was assassinated.”

According to the Israeli website, Erez held the position of executive director of Israeli intelligence and was responsible for the entire operational spectrum of the organization.

The site added: “Erez began his career, which spanned 30 years, in Israeli intelligence in the Special Operations Division, where he quickly rose through the ranks and eventually assumed the position of commander of the division. Erez also continued to lead the Operations Department. of Technology, where he planned and implemented a capacity growth strategy “. Following this position, Erez served as chief of staff, overseeing long-term budget planning, human resources, and resource planning for the entire organization.

“Erez was Pardo’s successor, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife, Sarah, who was vetoing all major government decisions, preferred the handsome and charming Yossi Cohen, who eventually got the top job.”

The blog also noted that “Erez left Mossad and, as most former senior intelligence officials do, he joined his former boss at a cybersecurity company, XM Cyber, where he is CEO.”
