Corona lights up Rome: Towards a great rebellion!


Radwan Mortada wrote in “Al-Akhbar”:

Inmates at Roumieh Central Prison prepare for a major uprising, which will begin soon. They speak of a forceful surprise for which they prepare. Someone whispers that it is better to commit suicide in protest than to wait for death from illness. The forgotten only left a door behind bars. They made dozens of appeals, in audio and video, from inside their prison to various political and religious references. They doused the phones of officials and journalists with dozens of calls. Even foreign prisoners have worried their ambassadors asking for relief, help yet to come. They were asking for help in saving them from the fate of the lions they see waiting for them in light of the Corona epidemic spreading among the prisoners like wildfire. They threatened to climb, but nobody cared. Dozens of his relatives held a sit-in in front of the prison, demanding the approval of a general amnesty, but they tried to no avail. Although the Ministry of Health and the prison administration announced that the situation is under control, the condition of the prisoners indicates otherwise. The prison wings record daily injuries among inmates. Building “B”, known as the Building of Terror, took center stage. Corona’s injuries exceeded 150 injuries, including Sheikh Khaled Hablas, the defendant made famous by the Hanin events years ago. The man was taken to hospital in critical condition. An eighty-year-old prisoner was also transferred from the condemned building to the hospital after being infected by “Covid 19”, noting that the prison administration procedures that began with the announcement of the first Corona case were to separate the prisoners from his advanced companions, as long as they are isolated in a separate building.

The calls coming from inside the Central Prison do not stop. The prisoners speak of negligence and concealment of the truth by the political and security authorities. A prisoner in the convict building tells Al-Akhbar: “They are liars. They did not distribute masks and sterilizers to us, contrary to what they say in the media ”. The same prisoner sends a video in which he shows ten prisoners introducing themselves and wearing handmade masks in a small room, where the voice of the cameraman comes out to say: “This is the room they call the isolation room.” The video shows prisoners of different ages. They look tired, with thin yellow faces, as an old prisoner lies between them. Another prisoner sends Al-Akhbar a list of the names of 120 prisoners who underwent a PCR examination, revealing that 64 wounded have so far been recorded in the condemned building. The aforementioned prisoner speaks of the isolation of four people in critical condition, two of whom were transferred to the hospital, S. Dr .. (Hrawi Hospital) and M. NORTE. (Dahr El-Basheq Hospital).

Parallel to the general mobilization experienced by the prisoners, the prison administration mobilizes all its capacities knowing that the infection has affected several members of the security personnel. In the days that passed, many of the officers did not sleep. The alert is at its highest levels, according to sources, who confirm that all buildings are subjected to daily sterilization operations, contrary to what the prisoners say. Sources also confirm that more than once masks were distributed to all prisoners, speaking of the distribution of two types of masks, one of which is worn once and the other is washed for reuse. Although the number of infections is close to 200, according to security sources, the security cell that has been in the prison since last February helped prevent the virus from reaching the prison during the first wave of Corona. Regarding the state of panic that controls the prison and the escalation that threatens the prisoners, security sources say that the prisoners see Corona as a lifesaver who can save them from prison and help pass a general amnesty.

Commenting on not transferring the elderly prisoners to a separate building, security sources reveal that several of them refused to move at first, but returned and complied after the virus spread. Sources believed that some prisoners deliberately threatened other prisoners if they agreed to transfer, on the pretext that their presence could help pass the amnesty. Sources indicated that Building C was designated to isolate prisoners. However, the security sources themselves do not lessen the danger that threatens the prisoners, pending a bold judicial action to reduce overcrowding and release large numbers of prisoners to save their lives.

As for how Corona got to the prison, sources mentioned that strict procedures were followed to treat inmates within the prison to ensure the virus was not transmitted from a hospital. However, the same sources claimed that an emergency situation required the transfer of several prisoners from the security-privacy prison building (known as “terrorism”) to the hospital, revealing that one of the prisoners was infected and then transferred the prisoners remaining. As for the condemned building, it is believed that a security officer transmitted the infection to her.
