Corona injuries between teachers and administrators … Section closures and precautionary measures and anxiety present in the people …. Will schools open their doors for this year? Here are the details !!


Under the headline “School injuries concern parents: Will the Ministry of Education’s plan be modified?” Faten Al Hajj wrote on the news:

Anxiety and confusion accompany the scheduled return to school places on January 28. Nothing in the environment calls for tranquility in urban education, in light of the continuous increase in Corona’s count and the appearance of injuries among the educational and administrative bodies, as happened in the last two days at the Antonia School in Ajaltoun and the Secondary School Rafik Hariri in Sidon, and resorting to stricter preventive measures such as the closing of sections at the school.
So far, there has been nothing new in the Ministry of Education’s plan to adopt a blended education between attendance and “online”. However, the sources of the Minister of Education speak of amendments that could occur this week if the number of HIV infections continued to increase, pointing out that several private schools decided to start teaching “online” before the 28th of this month, in an attempt to test electronic platforms and measure the readiness of students and teachers for this part. From education, while anticipating the developments that will come from the Ministry and the Crown Committee, while others decided to wait for the test to be carried out in public schools, especially since an evaluation will be issued 3 weeks after attending the corridors.
The Union of Private Educational Institutions, which left the affiliated institutions on the sidelines to choose the appropriate formula in the application of blended education, announced that it is based on two constants: the first is the commitment of the Ministry and the Crown Committee to attend classes , and the second is not to waste an academic year under any circumstances and to devise solutions, with the application of the health protocol. For the Ministry to the letter.
A member of the federation and a representative of the Al-Mustafa Muhammad Samaha schools said: “We have a great interest in urban education, where teacher-student interaction is achieved and the goals of behavioral education are achieved and ethics and barriers to distance education are overcome “. And what about the fear of some families that the return will be for some time to collect only the fees, and then move on to distance education? Samaha emphasized that “this is a misplaced fabrication, and the educational issue should not always be taken with distrust, and the issue of return will not be due to a decision of the institutions, but rather a decision of the ministry, which is why skepticism was generated within the Union on the possibility of public education due to the spread of Corona. “

Some schools hope to return to attend, awaiting tests in formal education

Parents are divided between those who are eager to follow their children in face-to-face education and those who prefer distance education, until Corona’s injuries are greatly reduced, and therefore “the Ministry of Education in this case is responsible for providing health security to children in classrooms and buses, not only in school management. ” What the director of the Union of Parents and Parents Committees Lama Al-Zein Al-Tawil says, asking: “If the schools have really started to implement the health protocol during registration work, or if the precise preventive measures will begin only with the return of the students, given that the injuries that recently appeared in the schools terrified many parents. ».
Regarding tuition fees, the Union of Parents’ Committees awaits the establishment of school budgets for the 2020-2021 academic year, which are presented to the Ministry of Education on January 31 at the latest, to be based on what is required , especially since the first installment currently paid does not exceed, according to the law, 30% The value of last year’s premium and schools in general have maintained the premiums, with some exceptions. The federation will study through the parent committees involved in the budgets raised, and if they will coincide with the type of education that will be provided this year based on the developments of the Corona epidemic, in terms of salaries and operating expenses.
