Today, Tuesday, the White House witnessed the ceremony in which Israel signed a peace treaty with the Emirates and declared peace with Bahrain under the auspices of the United States.
The signing of the two agreements was preceded by individual meetings held by US President Donald Trump with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed, who said: “We want to bring more hope to our region.”
Trump also met with Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Abdul Latif Al-Zayani before the signing ceremony.
Trump revealed that he “held talks with Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman”, stressing that they “have an open mind and will join the peace.”
Trump said: “Today is historic for peace in the Middle East,” adding: “I have ordered to cut funding to the Palestinians because they do not respect us.”
Trump added: “Iran wants to reach an agreement with us, but I told them to wait until after the presidential elections.”
Dozens of people gathered today in front of the White House to protest against the signing of the two normalization agreements, waving Palestinian flags and chanting “No, no to normalization” and “normalization is a hoax.”
Trump opened the ceremony by saying: “We reached a peace agreement in a month and there are more,” adding that “Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain will exchange ambassadors and cooperate with each other as friendly countries.”
He said: “We are talking about a new dawn in the Middle East thanks to the courage of the three countries, and there will be other similar agreements.”
In turn, Netanyahu said at the opening of the ceremony that “this day is historic and will bring peace for a long time,” adding that “other Arab countries will join the peace accords.”
He added that “Israel is no longer isolated, but is merging with its surroundings more than ever,” adding: “What is happening today must end the Arab-Israeli conflict forever.”
For his part, Emirati Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed said: “Today we extend the hand of peace and welcome the hand of peace,” adding: “Peace will change the face of the Middle East.” .
Bin Zayed thanked Netanyahu for choosing peace and stopping the annexation of Palestinian lands, saying: “Any option other than peace will lead to destruction and tragedy.”
He said: “We believe in the positive role of the United States in the region and the signing of agreements is the best proof.”
Bin Zayed emphasized that the peace treaties would allow us to further help the Palestinian people.
Regarding Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Abdul Latif Al-Zayani, he said: “The declaration of support for peace between Bahrain and Israel is a historic step on the road to lasting peace,” considering that “effective cooperation is the best way to achieve peace and preserve rights. “
The ceremony was attended by a crowd of American officials, including Trump’s adviser, Jared Kushner, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, as well as the first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, and the wife of the Israeli prime minister, Sarah Netanyahu. .
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