A malicious application that targets “Android” phones to steal bank accounts



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Cybersen, a cyber security company, reported malware on the Android system targeting cryptocurrency wallet and banking applications.

The company’s specialists said that the malware known as EventBot can deny a legitimate Android application such as “Adobe Flash” or “Microsoft Word”, and work to abuse the accessibility built into Android to gain deep access to the device’s operating system. .

Once you install any application that contains malware, it silently steals passwords for more than 200 banking and encryption applications, and intercepts the text message codes that access the device for use in the two-factor authentication feature.

By using victim passwords and two-factor authentication codes, hackers can hack bank accounts, apps, wallets, and steal victims’ money.

According to the company, the malware records every click and keystroke on the device, and can read notifications from other installed applications, giving hackers a window into what is happening on the victim’s device.

Over time, the software sends the passwords for banking applications and cryptocurrencies to the hacker server.
